
I look in my processes and it says that i am running crss.exe?

by  |  earlier

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I know its a virus.

i tried to remove it but it says that it is a critical system process. and cannot be termintated.

i ran spybot search and destroy

it founf somerthing called right media

and then something else

but the crss.exe process is still running.

what do i do?




  1. crss.exe is a legitimate windows vista process. It's the 'Client Server Runtime Process'. Go here:

    If its in a certain folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 then its legit

  2. If it is crss.exe then yes it is a virus, get a good virus scanner, do a full scan, i recommend avast! free ... let it do a boot time scan and it should wipe out the virus.

    BUT if the file is CSRSS.EXE DO NOT REMOVE THE FILE as csrss.exe is the main executable for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem. This process manages most graphical commands in Windows. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

  3. Restart in safe mode and deal with the worm there

  4. Learn how to use a program called


    It is very complex and can ruin your computer if you remove the wrong file. Be very careful making sure your only removing the files that are found to be virus's.

  5. try here   took 15 seconds to search for it :

  6. crss.exe is a process which is registered as W32.AGOBOT.GH Worm. This virus is distributed via the Internet through e-mail and comes in the form of an e-mail message, in the hopes that you open its hostile attachment. The worm has its own SMTP engine which means it gathers E-mails from your local computer and re-distributes itself. In worst cases this worm can allow attackers to access your computer, stealing passwords and personal data. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Please see additional details regarding this process. We strongly recommend that you run a free registry scan to identify .crss related errors.

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