
I looking for totally hand-controlled sewing machine options. I'm paraplegic and can't use foot pedals. Thanks

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I am new to sewing and need recommendations for good, basic and low-cost machines! Thanks.




  1. You might also want to look at:

    A friend sews by either leaning back into a pedal placed behind her back or squeezing the pedal under her arm, fwiw.  She's found that more satisfactory than the few commercial machines that do not require pedals.

  2. If it's true that "most sewing machines now don't have foot pedals," I would be quite surprised.  I looked for one like that this year and found only two (at a sewing machine and fabric store).  ... I was looking for one I could use in bed more easily <g>.

    The two they had with the push-button sewing were quite different in price though, and the cheaper one was not nearly as smooth and quiet in motion as the expensive one (natch!).  So that might be something to check out, especially in person.

    Good luck!

    Diane B.

  3. most sewing machines now don't have foot petals you should be able to find one for a low price

  4. you may want to do some reseRCH FOR CONTROLS OF MACHINES FOR HANDICAPPED i STARTED SUCH A SEARCH AND HERE IS SOMETHING i GOT-Im sure you'll come up w much more and can find out things no one here is going to know about.

    There's another world out there for items helping handicapped

  5. Some machines by Brother have hand controls, and the company has excellent reputation for reliability.  Here is a link to a basic machine without a foot pedal:

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