
I lost 5% in my entire investment portfolio during the month of June?

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Do you think it will rebound in July?

And, have you had a similar loss?




  1. I'm down about 6.4%  I'm okay with that.  I know it will go back up eventually.  The stock market is for the long haul.

    If anyone else is wondering about their %, here's a way to calculate your % increase or decrease:

    (n/100) = (change in value/original value).

    Solve as a proportion (cross multiply and solve for n)

  2. Reagardless of how the market does in July (it's been good the past 3 days) things are likely heading south. Make sure to protect your position using put option, or trade call option to decrease your loss potential. As long as you have the right strategy you should be able to recoup your June losses and make some more. I personaly made about 15% gain in June  (

  3. it may not rebound in july, but eventually it will.

  4. What you will hear in forums like this is: The market may improve, or it may not, but eventually it will.

    Does that make sense to you? My opinion about the market is the same. But here's what you can do.

    5% draw down is not bad, and can easily be recovered over the long term. What you have done earlier, and can still do, is to diversify your investment portfolio into different asset classes.

    When markets tank, there are always two sides to the transaction. Someone is losing money while another one is making money. Find out how you can be the latter and not the former.

    Hope this helps.

    - Jim

  5. It all depends on the diversification of that portfolio. None of us know what you own, whether you have hedged against lose or if you are the one managing it. All those factors will weigh in to it's performance. This market will rebound, but when; is another question. Some people speculate that it's self adjusting to an Obama White house. I've also heard some talking heads say the $DJI will be at 15,0000 by this time next year. Who can say? If it's a sound company then it will make it through these down trends. Yes, I've suffered loses but I add to those positions and cost average my overall lose.

  6. That is why you invest for the longterm.  It already has rebounded in the last few days.

  7. The economy is buoyant and industrial orders are holding  up well. I expect the market might rise by up to 10% before very long, unless it falls, as many economists are predicting.

  8. i could tell you that it will be better next month or that the market will tank but it is a half guess just like everyoen else.

    i'm down about 13K over all, i don't know the % off hand.

  9. June was a difficult month.  July has not been a piece of cake either but the last 3 days have been somewhat of an improvement.

    I am not too hopeful for the rest of the year even, much less the rest of July.  The economy is really screwed up.  

    My loss during June and July were the worse suffered so far this year, but it may not be the worst for the year.  We still have 5 months to go.

  10. Hi Janet,

    Yikes.  Get out while you can.  Everyone is losing!  And it's going to get WORSE  (except gold, silver, oil)...

    At my partner's corporate headquarters, everyone with IRS and the like has LOST LOST LOST.  :-(

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