
I lost a large diamond solitare out of a setting in the kitchen. Is there a special way to find it?

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I'm affraid its in the stove top.




  1. there is a significant fraction of diamonds that flouresce, so try turning out ALL the lights and shine a UV lamp (like the ones available at pet stores for finding pet 'accidents') .  if your diamond is a flourescing type, it will glow brightly.

    a second interesting physical characteristic of diamond is that they LOVE grease.  They will stick to a greasy surface, in fact this is part of how diamonds are mined (or extracted from their ore)

    a sticky lint roller works good, just roll it over everything!  then check the roller, often.

    yet another interesting note about diamonds... when they are lying face down they are still shiny.  most other clear stones, CZs, spinel, quartz... show the surface below them thru the stone, diamond reflects the light out.

    dont forget to check the trap in the sink.  diamond is quite dense and sinks to the bottom and sticks to the grease in the trap.

  2. I empathize with you.  I lost my great grandmother's wedding ring once.  I couldn't find it anywhere.  Then a few years later it turned up in a drawer.  I got lucky.  There is no special way to find it I'm afraid.  You will just have to look until you find it.

  3. Ask St. Anthony to help you find it.

  4. There is something like an appliance to the left of your sink, look there.  On the ground under it.

  5. Turn off all the lights or wait for dark. lay your head down on the floor & take a flashlight & shine across the floor. Hopefully it will sparkle>>>>>

  6. You've gotten good answers already, but let me mention one thing.  If you think it IS the stovetop, and the other ways don't find it first, you CAN take the stovetop apart.  If it's electric, just pull upwards on the burners and you'll see where they plug in.  Pull out away from the plug and the burner should pop out.  Pull out the round drip pan (the thing with the round hole in it).  Check every piece as you go to make sure it's not sticking to something.  Once the burners and drip pans are off, check down in the stovetop with a flashlight.  If it's never been cleaned, there's probably a mess down there, so look carefully and feel around with your fingers.  If there are still corners you can't see, pop the stove's breaker at the breaker box, then slide something under the edge of the stovetop and lift.  If it's old, it'll be difficult.  Hopefully it'll be there.  If it's a gas stove-----sorry.  I don't know squat about how gas stoves are made!  I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole!  I would have a repairman in to tear it apart, but only after trying every other possible solution.  Since it's a large stone, it'd be worth the expence.

    Good luck!

  7. you can ask the angels as someone recommnded or continually repeat: Nothing is lost in the yes of'll show up..Also in my country, we have a belief that if you tie a knot 9with anything, rope,thread etc) find what you have lost.

  8. The flashlight is a good idea.  If you have a vacuum with a hose, put a cloth or panty hose over the end and go over the floor.  But how large is this rock you lost?  If it's large enough you should be able to see it.  Are your eyes bad?  Ask someone who doesn't wear glasses for help.

  9. Ask the Angel that finds things.  I ask, "Angel that Finds Things, I can't find my diamond, would you please let me find it immediately. Thank you."

    Whenever I do that, my eyes will fall upon a piece or a corner of the object or I will get a notion to look in a certain place and it will be there.

    It will seem like someone just placed the object where I thought I had just checked.

    This really works!

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