
I lost a turtle in the backyard how can i find it?? (it is an aquatic turtle)?

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not my turtle and not in my backyard its my neighbors




  1. These little guys are good climbers. Look in any bushes, shrubs or hedges. When there's no water for them to splash in, they really like to get shade and often climb into these to get off the ground.

  2. the move quickly..look for shade and any water..

    where ever it is dark in the day and looking for him sunning himself during the day..

    Remember they are real skiddish when being approached on cause they believe you are a be quiet and stealth like..

    Remember birds of prey and raccoons will snatch them up in a second..depending on where you live..I had a raccoon in my pond.. ate and massacred all my fish and tossed the turtles out of the pond..unhurt Thank goodness!!


    Look for it when the sun has been shinning cause he will come out looking for food and sun!

    Anything is possible if he was happy and can find his way back..I would put some food out for him by his home...

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