
I lost my 2yr old son's immunization card?

by  |  earlier

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it's that time of year again... doctor's appointment. I lost his birth certificate AND his immunization card when we were travelling. I went to dept of health to get a copy of his birth certificate. Where do i get his immunization record in time for his doc's? Doc told me to bring in card next time i go there...and i cant find it!!!!!! help!!! thanks in advance!!!




  1. the pediatrician can just fill out another card based on the health records, it's not a big deal. It's not like you will be in trouble or anything. Just call them and tell them you will be needing a new one because you lost yours.

  2. Call the dr he previously had and see if they will mail a copy to you or fax/mail a copy with all other records to the new dr office

  3. Your doctor should have a hard copy as well. When I lost my daughters in our move, the old doctor sent it to the new doctor and things were fine. Oncee they updated the computer at the new office, he was able to get me a new card.

  4. Go to where you had the shots done and get the record again

  5. I agree, you just need to tell them you need another copy.  No big deal.  We're parents...we can't keep everything in place!  lol  Good Luck!  You'll find another copy if you just ask.  Someone will have a copy they can give you or make you.  

  6. The doctor should have a record of all shots given.

  7. That's OK.  You can have my cards and birth certificates.

  8. I have an immunization card for my daughter, but it's not one that matters to the doctor.  It's mainly for my own records.  When I needed a proof of immunization to register my daughter for daycare, I went to the office and asked them and they had their own record in the file that they made a copy of for me.  If you travelled cuz you moved, and you have a different doc. now, call your old doc. office and ask them if they can mail or fax you a copy of your child's shot record they have on file.

  9. Wherever you originally got the shots, doctors office, health dept.  will have records. Call and ask for them...I'm sure it happens all the time.

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