
I lost my adderall prescription, and my doctor will not reissue the prescription, is that true? ?

by  |  earlier

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On 07/28/08, I was prescribed Adderal XR 15mg (30 pills) by my doctor. I was previously on Concerta but found that it didn’t work very well for me. Adderall worked great, the first 2 weeks were amazing, I could focus, I was getting organized and my anxiety was lessened. On 8/9 my husband and I had to go out of town, and when we returned on 8/10 our luggage was lost, and in it was the remaining bottle (a little over 2 weeks worth) of Adderall. We placed a claim with the airline and they said it can take up to 6 weeks to process. I contacted my doctor and told her what happened and gave her the lost baggage form that we filled out, but told her that there isn’t a tracking number yet, and there may not be one for 6 weeks. She said with out a tracking number she can not fill another prescription. Is this true? Is there no way that I can get another prescription? Can I contact another doctor to refill it? As I said earlier I own a company, work a lot, and go to to have no ADHD medication is very hard on me, especially when it worked so well. Is there anything else I can do?




  1. I know Adderal is a very closely regulated drug, as it has a high black market value.  So your doctor will be very careful about the prescriptions.  Any Rx you might get from another MD (very doubtful) could be viewed suspiciously by the FDA - they track if one person is filling multiple (even 2) Rx.  Going to 2nd pharmacy even more suspicious.

    I would get on the airline hard to get tracking number.  The number itself can't take 6 weeks?.

    I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes...but you did get along without Adderall for all but 2 weeks of your life....can last until 30 days are up?

  2. yeah get off the pills and do some simple balance excerises, to enhance your core stability hence the adhd.

    You've made ADHD and the medication the element of your life why?

    At the end of the day the medication is only a band-Aid effect, will you still be taking it when your 60 because youll be no diffrent then to what you are now without it?

  3. Go to the pharmacy where you had the prescription filled and explain the situation to the pharmacist.  They might be able to help you out.

  4. Keep on your doctor he or she can fax you anouther script right into the pharmacy.

  5. Adderall uses 2 forms of amphetamines.  It is highly

    addictive and can be easily abused.  Drugs like this

    are used to sell on the street.

      In my prescription book, it states that many experts

    believe that amphetamines are just a temporary solution

    to a long term problem.

      This may be a good way for you to be re-evaluated

    and go off the amphetamines and look for a better,

    long term cure.

      In any event, there are strict laws that govern your

    provider and the pharmacy.  

      If you are telling the truth, you will either have to

    wait until the airline returns them, or see another

    doctor and get a different medication.

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