
I lost my baby king a we ago.its 4-5 weeks old. any idea how 2 lure it out. how long it will last wivout food?

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I lost my baby king a we ago.its 4-5 weeks old. any idea how 2 lure it out. how long it will last wivout food?




  1. Snakes, especially small ones, quickly become dehydrated when they are loose in the house. For that reason, they are often recovered under piles of laundry, or in a bathroom.

    You should place several damp towels in strategic locations along walls. When the snake encounters one, it is likely to stay there until you can recover it.

    Baiting it with food will not work.

  2. This is why I usually don't handle kings until they are between six and eight months old, losing such a tiny thing is hard to find.  

    The best places to look are under the fridge and stove (the like the heat) also in the clothes hamper under piles of clothes.  Don’t forget they can climb…look on table legs in room corners in closets…depending on how small the snake is look in shoes.  If you have hardwood or vinyl floors you could put a row of flour down at doorways and such, if the snake crosses the flour it will trail…you will at least be able to tell which way the snake went.  A friend of ours found his ball python in a bag of substrate that he had bought…there was a hole that the snake went in through.  It will show up eventually.  We had one ball python that used to get out and go up under a table (there was a “shelf” under the table where the snake liked to go.  Another ball python got out and went into the couch cushions…another time he got out and just went exploring.  Another ball python got out and went behind a large blanket chest.  Another ball python got out and she was gone for about 3 weeks then one night we heard a crash and went to investigate and she was on top of the table going toward her “house”.  Lets see…we had a blood python that got out and crawled up on top of the ball python cage another blood got out and went under his cage.  Our kingsnake got out and we found her in a dresser drawer.  The point is we have had lots of escapes and none of them were permanently lost…snakes are crazy.  

  3. well the only thing to really do in regards to luring it out is to place a pinkie mouse in something that the snake would be able to get into but not be able to get out of after eating the mouse. You can also put salt on the floor or on a piece of cardboard on the floor and follow the tracks. There's not much you can do besides looking and waiting. They can go a long time w/out eating but how long can depend on a variety of factors. I lost a young king snake when i was a kid and my dad found it in his desk 6 weeks or so later so you never know.  

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