He got suddenly ill on Saturday afternoon and I rushed him to the ER vet. He stopped breathing right after we arrived. They resuscitated him but he appeared to have been very damaged. He was able to breathe on his own but needed oxygen because he was struggling. They gave him an IV also. I sat with him all day in my lap yesterday petting him and telling him I loved him. He barely moved..just a few twitches here and there.. I could tell that mentally he was probably mostly, if not completely gone. Right after 6pm, I made the hardest decision of my life to have him put to sleep. They allowed me to sit outside in the sunlight and under a tree on a blanket and I held him until his heart stopped beating. Now I just feel beyond awful. I have not eaten since Saturday evening when I first took him in. I can't stop crying. I can barely work and when I was driving to work I wanted to swerve my car into the concrete barrier median. Is it normal to feel this? I can barely function. I keep worrying somehow I made the wrong decision, that if I had more money maybe they could have done more to find out what was wrong, I feel awful thinking about me not realizing he was really sick before hand..all these thoughts are just making me insane. Please help.