
I lost my best friend to her brother. How do I get her back?

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This was my best friend my sister and I lost her because I loved her brother. She had got mad because I did love him. I wasn't dissing her for him or anything me and him hung out when we had free time and i always hung out with her. Now she just got really mad at the fact that we were in love and said she would never forgive me for anything that I had did. She also says that i'm taking him away from her. I really love the both of them in different ways of course and want her to forgive me but i just don't know what to do because i love him and want to stay with him because the love is so strong but that is my best friend and I want her in my life to because we always need a best friend. What should I really Do?




  1. wat does this mean

  2. You jerk. Who leaves a best friend for love?!

  3. It depends on your feelings for him-make sure you know you truly love him. Try this.

    If you really believe you do, than explain this to her, and tell her she should be able to understand how you feel. Hopefully she does. I'm sorry I can't offer better advice.

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