
I lost my credit card and someone charged gas...?

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So I lost my credit card when i went to the park and i didnt realize it was missing till i needed it. When i checked my statement someone used it for about $88 worth of gas! Luckily that was the only there any way of catching the perpetrator? when i reported the card stolen and told them the card was used to make a unwanted charge, they said they would open a case and look into an investigation...can they catch the person who charged the gas to my card or is this person just going to get away with the gas charge!?




  1. File a claim and it will be removed.

  2. If that transaction was made without your consent and you reported it quickly, you shouldn't be liable for the charge.

    It's probably cheaper for the credit card company to take the loss than try to find the person who stole it.

  3. Typically the credit card company back charges the merchant who accepted the card.  So the gas station will be the one out the $88.  The gas station could pursue the thief, but it's doubtful, especially for such a small sum.

  4. Your credit card company isn't going to waste money trying to find the thief. For $88? Forget it! They could spend thousands of dollars. It's not worth it to them. Just make sure they give you your $88 back.

  5. The credit card statement should tell you where the person bought the gas. If you can prove that you were not at that gas station on that day you are in the clear. Also, does your car take $88 at one time...probably a big car. The credit card company has insurance. Solution: No credit cards. Pay cash.

    Read my other financial advice on

    Just type "xrayness" in the search box

  6. They probably won't do much for such a small amount.  Someone charged right at $12000 on my wife's CC in just a day and a half or so.  She called the CC to see about having her interest rate changed and they told her the account had been put on hold for questionable charges.  She had to fill out a form denying that she had made the charges and they were all eventually credited back to her account.  We have yet to hear anything from them regarding the person who got her CC # and what happened to them.

  7. If the perp tries to charge something else on your card  they may be able to catch him, but it's doubtful.

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