
I lost my form for high jump!?

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im a freshman on the varsity track team and i have been able to make almost 5 feet but for some reason during the past two weeks i cant even get over 4 feet!

what the heck is wrong with me! and districts is in two days!

is there something wrong with my form? is there something wrong with my head? are there any tips and exercises that can help? is there a website that can show me what the form looks like?





  1. so what are you doing differently? . . . are your steps correct? more importantly, do you have a "measured approach" or do you just run back? . . . with warmer weather, a run back approach could change with each jump as your body warms up ~ otherwise known as a "snowflake approach" (no 2 alike). . . are you taking off too close/far away from the bar? are you diving over the bar? are you arching? are you finishing the jump? . . . take the time and think about these questions and you'll have your answer ~ good luck

  2. oh you don't need to worry, trust me. it seems like your just getting a little psyched out for your big meet. Just talk with your coach and if the coach knows proper form work with him/her for a little bit. I am a hurdler and my times are always pretty unconsistent. Just walk into your meet positive because staying motivated is very important for you to make the jumps you do. also just checking out youtube to see if there are any instructional videos and if not just google high jumping and your bound to find something. main thing though is don't stress because even if it's not whats causing the problem it surely won't get your jump height back up.

  3. relax...theres nothing wrong with you, just take a deep breath, and relax. This happens to me with the hurdles, your psyching yourself out. Your doing either one of two things:

    1) making a real mistake or

    2) getting anxious for your district meet (the more prevalent of the two options)

    As for form, go to youtube and look up "Stefan Holm high jump" to see how it should be done.

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