
I lost my ignition key for my Kawasaki. If I can remove the helmet lock, can a locksmith...?

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do majic and creat a key. Since the helmet lock key is the same as the ignition key.??




  1. its possible that this wont work, just because the same key operates ignition, and helmet lock it doesnt mean key made just for helmet lock will work. However, a lock smith can make you a key, probably $50 - 100 dollars, or you can order one through dealer, or just buy a whole new ingnition switch.

  2. u gotta get a new switch  

  3. Yeah, find a locksmith.

  4. Most locksmiths are great at what they do. Give one a call.

  5. I would call first and see.Or call the dealer with your serial number of the bike and they can have one shipped to you.Good Luck.

  6. Purchase a "key blank" from your Kawasaki dealer (it's an uncut key that will fit your ignition switch) - $10

    Bring the key blank and the helmet lock, or ignition switch to a locksmith.

    Every shop I've worked at, gets keys made when they lose the customer's keys.

  7. Your options are: Locksmith and he will cut a key, replacement ignition (helmet lock dose not use all the details on the key like the ignition barrel dose) and fit. Kawasaki should be able to get a reference number for a replacement key using the VIN number but thought experience this can take weeks.So locksmith is the way to go and I know you will have learned always get a spare. This comes from years of experience around bikes and bikers.

  8. just go buy a new key or switch

  9. if you give your VIN to a dealer, they MIGHT be able to order you a new key...

  10. The key number is usually stamped on the lock. All of my bikes have it but I don't know if every manufacturer does this or not. The dealer can either order a new key for you or make one for you from the key number.

    The locksmith thing might work but it also might not. Keys that operate more than one lock sometimes use different portions of the key for different locks. The helmet lock might be operated by only the front 1/3 of the key and the ignition lock by the other 2/3 of the key.

    This is more common in master key setups but I've seen it on some vehicles also.

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