
I lost my job. So I don't have medical insurance for my daughter. Can I have my boyfriend adopt her? And how?

by  |  earlier

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Because my boyfriend has very good insurance and he is willing to do for us.




  1. how about looking for state insurance, or paying- it is expensive but there is a way to keep it going if you pay.. like cobra i think it is called.  or masshealth should cover you if you live in ma- other states have similar programs

  2. wow, having your boyfriend adopt her is a little extreme. i believe you have to be married before he can adopt her but im not sure. just reconsider this before you do anything drastic! you can try to find another job.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but he can put you and your daughter on his medical insurance without adopting her.  Besides, do you really want to give up your rights as a parent to him?  What if he splits on ya?  He can legally take her with him since it'll now be "his" daughter.

  4. Are you sure you want your boyfriend to adopt YOUR child? What if you break up and your bf is her legal guardian? He'll be able to take her with him... But, uh... if you really wanna do that, just contact a lawyer and see about the adoption papers.

  5. well what if yall break up and he's decides to keep her????????????????????

  6. if you trust him enough to let him adopt your baby then why can't you just get married and go that rout?

  7. If you live in the U.S. check with your employer or their insurance carrier. You have the right to continue insurance, without interruption under the C.O.B.R.A rule. I don't have all the information, but have been there and done that before. You'll have to pay,of course, but it is available under the law.

    They should, by custom, send you information about this option. Check into it. Don't delay.

  8. Would you marry someone for health insurance? Probably not. If he adopts her, he is legally bound to her and if things get ugly, can sue you for custody. He can actually accuse you of being an unfit mother for not having a job, and then sue you for custody. You would be putting her life in his hands.

    Your benefits should carry over for 30 days. Buy her a policy before they do end, and ask human resources to direct you to someone who can help you find her insurance inbetween jobs, such as Cobra. Even a state health insurance would be a better alternative.

  9. Yes, you can, but it's a horrible idea.  Think of the consequences.  What if you break up?  He could get sole custody for your daughter.  This is not a reason to have him adopt your daughter.  It's serious business.  You will have to have her biological father terminate his parental rights.  A better idea is to get on COBRA, and in the meantime, look into private insurance.  Good luck.

  10. before you do that...depending where you live there is probably CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) it's not like welfare, it's just health insurance for children...many families have it all over the United States, and you don't have to be unemployed to have it either

  11. you'd have to get married to him and if her real father is in the picture you need permission from her real father who needs to surrender all his rights as her father, it's not easy

  12. While most states have a state insurance program there are also now many private insurance programs that are good, if there is no pre-existing potentially catastrophic illness. You should not allow anyone to adopt your child unless for any reason except for the reasons that people want their children to be adopted.

    If you exhaust other options, you may be able share legal custody of your daughter, bit me careful NEVER to diminish or sever your parental rights in ANY way.

    Have you considered getting a job that would provide the insurance that you need? There are a lot of options to explore.

    Good Luck

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