
I lost my kid?

by  |  earlier

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today earlier i was babysitting for my oldersister. and the kid ran away from me, hes hidding somewhere in my house. and i dont know where, because he enver talks. ive looked everywhere.

i dunno what my question is, but what do i do about it.




  1. Just use a bribe or something. Say if he comes out you'll give him 5 bucks. or threaten to leave the house to go the store and you'll leave him there. If that doesn't work call your sister and the cops. just make sure it isn't a prank.

  2. Look in teh closets. Thats where I find my 20 month old. If THAT doesnt work just grab your car keys, make sure to jangle them adn shout youre leaving-going out.

  3. Haha, well thats really weird. um....Bribery? (not sure about spelling) like say you'll give him a cookie or always works for me. :P

  4. sit down watch tv and ignore his *** he'll come out

    also get some cookies and start eating them loudly making sure he knows you are eating cookies (or something he really likes)

  5. Try the cookies, try the keys (even go outside and close the door), if you don't find him and it has been at least 3 hours you should call the police.  He may have gotten out of the house or be in the house and hurt.  They will help you.

  6. you ask your paretns to find him cause eventually he will turn up somewhere.

  7. idk i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry 4 u goodluck

    happy new year 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

  8. HMMM Sounds like you have to much time on your hand to be on here. IF you are watching a kid then why are you on here. Dont think this is ture so you n eed to grow up. This is about adoption not playing around on the ole Comp.

  9. Get off the computer and look for him.  Is this for real or is this a joke.  Perhaps you should call the cops since it's been over 2 hours.

  10. If he's been missing since earlier you need to contact your sister, and ask her. If you can't find him you need to call the police. Something could be wrong. You don't misplace a child for a long time without doing something to find him and make sure hes ok.

    He could have fallen asleep somewhere. But he could have gotten seriously hurt, or gotten out of the house.

    I don't know how long he's been missing, but by your question it seems like a while.

  11. lol srry but i think that hilarious, just be like mommys home and he micht come runnin g our

  12. I would hurry up and find him.  2 hours is a long time, he could have gotten into anything.  He may not even be in the house anymore.  Seriously, bust your *** and find him!!

  13. He may have gotten into somewhere and fell asleep but I would get some relatives to help incase he has trapped himself somehere he can't get out and he cant breathe. Check in every closet under everything and if you can't find him in an hour I would suggest calling the cops are you sure that he didn't get outside of the house??

  14. Oh honey, I know how you feel.  My son got under our bed when he was about 2 years old and fell asleep.  Right in the middle, so I couldn't reach him from either side.  I had just had back surgery so there was no way I could just toss the mattress.  When he got hungry enough, he came out.

    But are you absolutely sure he didn't sneak out, or worse, that someone came in and took him?

    In the mean time; get off the computer, if your sister finds out your messing around on Yahoo while her kid is God only knows where, your gonna be in huge trouble.

  15. omg so ur tellin me uve lost a kid in the house yet u still have time to come online to ask this question when omg thats so funny id neva let u babysit my children

  16. call your sister. she might know his fave places to hide.

  17. happened to me once. my son fell asleep under my desk. he was 2. i was outside screaming like a d**n fool. thank God he was o.k. I'd call the police.

  18. It is possible he fell asleep somewhere. But just to be sure you  should call the cops and your sister.He might not even be in the house anymore, and something bad could happen to the kid.

    Hope my advise helped

  19. run around the house looking for him

  20. Just tell him that if he dont come out in 5 minutes that you are gonna call the cops or his parents and hes gonna get in real big trouble!!!

  21. you are sitting your self on the computer? I understand but still, If you know how to babysit you'd know what to do 0.o

    Go and Look for the child!

    He could have hid in a bush or something and if you tried eating his fav food or pretending to leave or yell "Your moms here!" He'll come out. Or say "I'm making supper." Also you should call the cops if he been missing for 2 hours. LESS then 1 hour is enough for something bad to happen

  22. ok seriously he is gonna get hungry sometime and have to come out!

  23. why dont you get offa tha computer and start looking for him

  24. get off the computer!!  go look for him!


  26. tell him that your leaving the house in five minutes if he doesnt come out and that h**l be home alone with all the monsters

  27. that happened to mee! my hampster ran away, and i couldnt find him anywhere, i just didnt look after an hour.

  28. If you've truly looked everywhere in the house (cabinets, closets, etc) and he hasn't come out, you should definitely contact your sister. Maybe she can give you some idea of what to do. You should also consider calling the police because he could be hurt or he could have left the house without you knowing.

  29. Good grief!

  30. Call the police and your sis that you cant find him that you need help and dont know where he is.
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