
I lost my motivation for working out Help???

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I know I'm fat. I know I need to drop some 300 pounds. I started working out, thought I was doing good, but then just lost my motivation. I'm disgusted with how big I am, and I want to drop the pounds. But I also have no motivation to work out. I'm very, very much out of shape, I can't afford to join a gym, I live over 30 miles from a YMCA, I live on a 2nd floor apt and can't do jumping jacks cuz it would sound like a herd of elephants to my neighbors. I can't do push ups, crunches or sit ups cuz first I'd never be able to get back up off the floor if I ever made it to the floor to begin with.

There's no place to go walking here either. There's no sidewalks, no parks, nothing to walk to and from. I don't own a bike. Besides, I'm too fat to get on a bike, and I'd never get it up and down the stairs. Speaking of walking, I get all hot and sweaty and out of breath just walking from my apartment to my car and back.

How can I get motivated again?




  1. buy smaller clothes and try to fit into them... as in setting a goal, once you fit into them your motvation will want you to keep losing wieght.

  2. just keep trying

  3. First of all, make sure that you're eating the right foods (fruits, veggies, lean protein and whole grains) and watching your calorie intake.  This is a very important part of the equation; in other words, you won't lose much weight if you're regularly consuming 5-10K calories a day.  

    As for exercise, to start with I would suggest getting some hand weights and doing some strength training, walk up and down your stairs a few times a day, or even walk around your apartment.  If you drive, park in the farthest spot from your destination, and always take the stairs.  If you take public transportation, get off a stop or 2 early and walk the rest of the way.

    Remember, every step you take will get you closer to your goal.

    This website might have some ideas you can use:

  4. For motivational help, i found the following blog quite usefull

    just check it out.


    It has Short motivational and inspirational stories

    hope you will also like it

    good luck

  5. You said that you are eating healthy, and while you may be eating healthy types of foods I think that you are eating unhealthy amounts of foods. It takes an extremely large number of calories to support a body weight of 300+ pounds. You have to be eating a lot of food. Even eating a lot of apples and strawberries will make you gain weight, even though those are healthy foods.

    You can lose weight without doing any exercise if you really diet.

    You need to start counting your calories and restrict your diet to 1800-2000 calories a day and no more. And no sugar at all. Only one fruit or fuit juice serving a day. No more than 4 oz of fruit juice in one day. No pasta. No cream, butter, or cheese. Only low fat milk, and only one 8 oz serving a day and a few oz of yogurt no more dairy. You get the rest of your calories from healthy veggies, like greens and broccoli, no starchy potatoes or yams, and eat only lean protein like skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, canned tuna, fish, etc. Even lean steak or red meat, but NO hamburger and limit the red meats. No fried foods, no fatty foods, and you have to be strict.

    You need to try to walk at least a little. You sound like you are giving a lot of reasons as to why it is impossible for you to lose weight, you are allowing yourself to fail. Please stop this!!

    You need to start thinking positively, start finding ways to get out there and stop making excuses for yourself. You don't need to do a push up or ride a bike. All you need to do is go for a walk every day and diet and you will see the weight fall off you so fast your head will spin.

    It is hard for everyone to lose weight and it hurts to exercise for everyone. It is much easier to watch tv. We all have to force ourselves to get out there, and when I'm in pain while working out I focus on how proud of myself I will feel when I am finished.

    You start feeling accomplished and less depressed. That is your motivation.

    And if you don't start losing weight, you are going to die. That should be motivational. Please, don't lose the desire you have!! Lose that weight! Get your life back! You won't be sorry, not one single day! I promise!

    PS-some people just can't seem to control how much they eat, for whatever reason, they can't change their lifestyle to eat really healthy foods in really healthy amounts. These people often look into some type of bariatric surgery. I have known many people that have had different types of this surgery with amazing results. Perhaps you should seriously look into that.

    I know that you are saying that you don't have the money, but perhaps you could get a loan. Maybe you could move in with a friend or family member and just take a loan and get the surgery. It would be a good investment, because it could insure you will have a longer happier healthier life....

    Good Luck!!

  6. The final results should motivate you

  7. stop using most of technology! believe me it would work wonders.

    liek instead of calling the pizza guy go n get it

    park AWAY FROM the gates

    use the stairs instead of the elevators.

    drink water more often

    and visit

    once u see the wieght loss from them u will get ur motivation

  8. Try finding someone who needs to lose weight too. Even if they don't need to lose a lot of  weight, having someone meet you at the gym after work or whatever will be a big "push" and get you motivated again. If you absolutely can't find the motivation again you may want to talk with your doctor and see if you could get the gastric bypass or something. But that should come as a last resort.

    If you find someone, it is best to work out in the morning, that way you have energy all day long.

    Hope you get the motivation you need to make yourself feel better.

  9. Don't worry about it. If you get sweaty walking to and from your car, than start walking up the apartment steps, up and down. Gradually progress. If there's no place for you to go running or walking, than drive to a park or any nearby place and walk. After you can walk for a half an hour at a brisk pace, start light jogging. It's all a matter of setting small steps, but progressing onto bigger and bigger steps. If you need to drop 300 pounds, than focusing on how you look now probably won't get you too motivated, so don't even focus on it. Just tell yourself it'll get better, or anything like that.

    But most personal trainers, myself included, will tell you that 70% of weight lost or gained is made in the kitchen. 5 small meals a day is better than a huge breakfast, huge lunch, and huge dinner. Eat until you're moderataly full, not until you're totally stuffed. And really, cut back on the junk food. Chips, cookies, all that stuff does is give you 10 seconds of pleasure in your mouth, but than a jolt of pain when you look in the mirror. A good thing to do would be to put a picture of how you want to look on your fridge or pantry, so when you have a craving, just tell yourself that sacrifices must be made. Veggies, steamed meats are the way to go. Try to live a healthy lifestyle and you should be good :)  

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