
I lost my retainer will my teeth move THAT MUCH?

by  |  earlier

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oks o i lost my retainer im pretty sure i cant find it anywhere!

and i dont want ym dad to have to pay 250.00 thats alot

will my teeth move that much cause i've been wearing them for about a month and usually at night sadly cause i sound werid when i have it in its bad i know but my teeth havent really moved.




  1. They are going to shift back to the original position. You invested so much already... do you really want all that to be a waste? Suck it up and go get another retainer or get invisaline.

  2. I had braces at the age of like 10 until I was  12. My retainer didn't fit when I first got it and so I never wore it. And sadly my teeth moved a noticeable amount. There's still pretty straight but not near as straight as they should be. I'm 20 now :( I'd keep looking and talk to your parents.  

  3. yes your teeth will move, how much? it depends on how far they were off in the first place. your dad has spent so much on your teeth so far it wouldn't be fair to him not to get a new retainer. i know how bothersome a retainer is but it won't last forever! it's better to spend an other 250 than to lose everything you and your dad have already invested.  

  4. I knew this girl that forgot to put on her retainer for one day and here teeth moved and you could see the gap between here front teeth so I guess it would and especially since you just started it.

  5. Only if your teeth were really moved by the braces then they have the chance of moving back to original position.

  6. They would. I lost my retainer once and didn't have it for about a week, and when I started wearing them again (after I got fitted for a new one), it hurt pretty bad. I would consider getting a new one anyway because getting braces again isn't worth not wearing your retainer.  

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