
I lost my turtle when i was playing with it in my backyard lol help!!?

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i lost my turtle in my back yard my yard is huge it is 2 akers and i have no clue were to look HELP!!!!




  1. i had the same problem!! but my backyard is kinda small....anyways stay calm!!! first look under things where they can hide, like bushes, rocks maybe, anywhere where they can fit under.  and remember to look very carefully, they have excellent camoflouge, at least leopard tortoises do(i know i spelled camoflouge wrong) i was looking in my backyard for about ten minutes and he was sitting in plain daylight in with some weeds!! hey look on the bright side, at keast you didnt lose a cat or something that could jump fences!!!

    good luck and i hope i helped:D

  2. ok first  stay  calm and then look under bushes and plants and stuff like that then if there is a little body of water look there too cuase turtle love water

  3. how long were you out for because it cant of gone far

    just have a really good look.

    hope you find him

    good luck

  4. well just stay calm lol

    first look under bushes & shrubbery

    or anything he could have crawled under

    but check at the edge of the yard then go back to the front where you lost it

    im sure,since he's a turtle,that he couldnt of gotten very far


    good luck!


  5. Unless you are super Lucky your turtle is now free.

  6. turtle or tortoise? If its a tortoise, chill. If it is an aquatic turtle, you need to find him fast, they need a water source, so, spray the place with a hose or set out a kiddie pool with food. I have lost my turtle before and found him kind of far away under shrubs, plants, etc...he is looking for shade.

  7. If you have water on your land check around  and in it. well just watch to see if its heads emerge out of it. Turltes love water your best bet is near those areas.

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