
I lost my virginity like 3 days ago n im 15! what should i do?

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i lost it to a guy that i've been with for 2 years and i thought it was sure that he was the one but he broke up with me just yesturday!

i've been feeling sick to my stumic like thorwing up.! but i havn't thown up yet, i just feel like i'm about to, i have nothing else just that! i used protection but we only did it for a min cuz it hurt badly but he didn't burst out unitl liek 5 min later. but iunno if its because im just because im feeling guilty about it, or mabye im pregnet im not sure so can someone help me pleaee?




  1. for one, you should walk over to CVS and buy a pregnancy test, they arn't to expensive. secondly, i haven't lost my virginity yet (14) but i would imagine the thought being quite scary. i am sure over time you will just exept it and not even care anymore.

  2. Hes a freaking jerk.

    I'm sorry hun, but that was a MAJOR mistake.

    Take a preggers test and see...sigh...just another teenage pregnancy

  3. WOW stay in school and repeat Spelling 101 again.

    You lost your virginity to a guy that got what he wanted  then took a walk?  Nice guy!

  4. First off wtf were you thinking anyways. Of course he dumped you. He got what he wanted from you and thats all he wanted. Now you are going to have to be woman enuff to face the music and tell your parents.  Let me ask you this, Was he inside of you when he had his orgasam?? From what i am reading he didn't have an orgasam inside you. And what kind of protection did you use??

  5. You're prolly not pregnant.

    Next time, make SURE you love him and her loves you.

    Actual love takes months. =]

    But if you're worried about it still and you miss your period take a tast 3 days if/when you miss it.

  6. if you lost it you should go back and try looking around where you thought you lost it last.  i always lose things, but usually find them if i can pinpoint where i was.

  7. your probably not. but if you want to make sure buy a pregnancy test. after you p**s on it, and it comes up negative, hire a gang to go to his house to cut him

  8. Your not pregnant! You just like drama! You Wouldnt start throwing up till two weeks later!

  9. doesnt sound like ur pregnant, maybe alot has happened to you in the past week, id feel sick to my stomach too. 3 days is too soon for symptoms i wouldnt worry, just try to take it easy, that guy sounds like a jerk, move on

  10. you are not pregnant. case closed... stop having s*x... you are only 15 years old, and that was very foolish... you have your whole life ahead of you, and you shouldnt be having s*x until you are ready for the responsibility that comes with s*x, which is a child... which I AM not even ready for and im 20, so just chill out. relax. and no more s*x... k?

  11. You just learned the oldest trick in a guys playbook.  Guys will lead you on until they get what they want.

    All I can say is take this as a learning experience.  You learned quite early in life so don't make that mistake again with another guy.

    Nothing you can do about this one but the next guy you need to make him work harder if he wants to be with you.

    go get a physical exam.  Its too soon to know if you preggy but you need to know if this guy has some kind of sexual disease he just gave you.  Matter of to your mom.

  12. Erica, darling, go to Walgreens or CVS or some other drug store and get a test.  It's very easy (all you do is pee on it) and it will tell you to a degree of accuracy if you are indeed pregnant (be sure to read the box).  This is why we say WAIT until you are MARRIED.

  13. first I'd like to say: nice. and if you used protection you shouldn't be in any trouble. and why feel guilty? so you had s*x you used protection your good. if its any consolation im 15 to

  14. I don' think you would feel if you were pregnant yet.

  15. It was your first time, so your 'area' will hurt for awhile.

    Along with your stomach, don't worry about it unless there's been more then 3 weeks and you feel bad still. Call the doctor.

    Maybe it's going to be the time of the month soon for you?

    I remember after my first time, my stomach hurt for about 5 days and then it let up after.

  16. You should be fine if you used protection. That A hole i can't believe he left you like that. Don't fret though just move on with your life and think before you act. You can't turn back time so what's done is done.

  17. You could be pregnant, but you couldn't possibly know that yet.  You are responding emotionally to the situation.  If you want to reassure yourself, go get a pregnancy test at a pharmacy or supermarket and follow the instructions.  Regardless, it's not the end of the world to either have lost your virginity or to be pregnant.

  18. you shouldn't have done it

    you're too young

    but signs off pregnancy comes later

    not two days ago

  19. were you on your period, or close to the day when you usually would start?

    it may be that you are nervous, and upset. it was painful, and your first time. that may be it...

  20. thats what u get

    no one can help u now except for your family. ask them for help and they will take u to the hospital, if not then bear the pain and it will eventually shows

  21. d**n you really musnt have been good

    if he broke up with you a couple days after

    well your i dont really think that yourpregnant

    its too soon to really tell

    but i dunno hes an *** an yea...

  22. 1st u can loose ur virginty any time u want i was only 12

    its more likley ur pregnant but it could be guilt u really havent got anythinnk to feel guilty about anyway.

  23. If you think your pregnant, definatly go to the store and get a pregnancy test asap. A little off topic, sorry the jerk broke up with you after taking your cherry ]:

  24. the sick feeling is not pregnancy. it may be because you werent ready or that your worried.

    however i would advise you to take a test and hope for the best.

    you need to take a test in around a month ok.

    good luck sweetie :D

    ps: tell me how you go


    you dated him for 2 years, and 3 days after you finally had s*x with him he dumped you?


  26. try getting your mom to press estatuatory rape charges against him to get him back

  27. it could be both.

    wait until you get your period and see.

    if you honestly used protection you shouldn't be pregnant.

    I hope everything is ok and that you've learned your lesson.

    you're so young.


    pray about it too. and it's best to talk to your parents or a counselor about it.

  28. if he didnt come inside of you then your not pregnant

    oh and even if youve been with him for 10 years

    dont have s*x until your married its sooooo worth it

  29. Sounds like you've become a member of the 4-F club.

    Find "em

    Fool 'em

    F*** 'em

    Forget "em

    Sad, you can't undo what's done, but you can learn from it if you will. Maybe, just maybe you're not pregnant. If you are that lucky, save s*x for the marriage bed. At that point, you'll know the intentions of the guy.

    I wish you the best. I hope you've learned a great life's lesson!

  30. your not pregnant, this is way to early for symptoms. your just heartbroken, thats the way my tummy feels too when im really sad. sorry your ex is a jerk


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