
I lost my wife, my house, my car, everything, wat can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i lost everything in one go, i got robbed out of it, like gambling what i do start a new life or end up on the streets




  1. You need to be determined enough not to end up on the streets and you'll figure out a way. Tell yourself, 'I am better than this, I can do better, I can get back up" and think about the reason why you lost everything in the 1st place...avoid it, and try to find the best solution to the problem/s.

  2. how????

    look at mine:;...

  3. First of all, don't despair. The Righteous Job also lost everything and more. But, he didn't blasphemed God and didn't despair. He prayed and God returned him everything he had before and even much more than he had.

    Life is like this: when you reach the lowest point, it can only go up. Don't despair, and trust the Lord, and you will have everything back and much more.

  4. Start a new life from scratch. Sounds as a better option than ending up on the streets! You don't reveal much so it's hard to give advice. Houses and cars are just material possessions and as for your wife, well, I know it hurts but there are many good women out there, there's bound to be one who will make you happy again!

  5. Quit being a punk and go get a life.  And I am sure you are going to be blaming your wife for everything that went wrong for you...Knowing it is your fault.

  6. dont ever marry barbie again!!!

  7. you dont say how you lost them

  8. pray to allah he the one wots best 4 ur need.u need to have a good heart be a good muslim brother.

    huda fiz

  9. now you are free to start from scratch :))) ask yourself what you want...

  10. you have lost ur wife, house, car and everything??? But how u still computer ??  

  11. How did all this happen?

  12. find a friend to stay with. go job hunting until you find one .look every single day.make it the most important thing. then each day be thankful for everything you have ,even if its just the clothes on your back.take every minute of every day to better yourself.never think negatively. positive thinking makes positive actions and gets positive results. its all in your hands.nobody can do it for you. show your family that your a strong person and get out there and make something of yourself.

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