
I lost the directions for my rice cooker when I moved....?

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what are the basic directions for cooking white and brown rice I tried white rice this morning and it came out watery I usually cook brown rice but bought a huge thing of white too. I like white in the morning




  1. this is going to throw you off a bit, but it might make you chuckle a bit too.  my father in law is g*y, and his boyfriend is korean, my dads boyfriends mom gave my dad a rice cooker for christmas and all you do is make equal parts, if you are making 4 cups of rice, put 4 cups of water in it too, let it cook in the cooker for about 20 minutes and it should be good to go.  

  2. Oh, piffle. Doesn't anyone know how to use those things? It is so easy. Wash your rice. Then put your fingers over it and pour in the water. When the water reached the middle of the middle knuckle, you are done. This will work with one cup of rice or ten. Asians with rice cookers just use this hand method.

  3. Well, first and foremost make sure you've washed the rice until the water runs clear.

    Then, say you want 1 cup, you add 1 1/2 cups of water to the cooker.  

    I found you can make steamed rice in a pan, but it doesn't come out as nicely as it does in a rice cooker. Good luck with your rice.

  4. My mom taught me when i was like 8

    you do the rice and the water has to  be half a cup more


    4 cups rice

    4 1/2 cups water

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