
I lost the new tie my workplace provides for us what excuse can i give my manager so he can give me a new one?

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so i bought a new shirt but they provide the same ties for us and its only been two weeks since ive been working there and i left my tie at my friends but when i went back to get it somehow "vanished". what lie can i tell my manager in order to get a new tie cuz i dont want to say i lost it in a matter of 2 weeks




  1. just tell them that you misplaced it and cant seem to find it anywherE!!!!

  2. Bosses are like parents and teachers.  They've heard a lot of lies before, many of them they themselves have told.  Either turn your friend's place upside down to find it or bite the bullet and tell your boss.

    Either way, don't show up without any tie.

  3. Go buy one at KMart.

  4. Honestly lies always come back to bite you in the butt.

    You can do nothing better in this situation than to tell the truth, it may be hard but it will be significantly better than if you get caught in a lie.

    By the way, if I ever caught one of  my employees lying to my face, believe me they would run to the door rather than let me throw them out.

    Getting caught in a lie is one of the fastest ways to get yourself fired, I suggest telling the truth and living with the consequences.

  5. you are going to jepordize your job over a tie. tell the truth. the manager will respect you for it.tell him you will be willing to pay for it.

  6. Why would you lie?  You think that is how to get through life?

    If you lost it, you lost it.  Tell him that and ask him if you can buy a replacement.

    That seems like an awful silly thing to lie about.

  7. say it got stuck when you leaned over and put something in the paper shredder. luckily a coworker reacted quickly and cut the tie just in time to save your life and prevent an on the job injury. Thank God the only thing damaged was the tie!!

    Best wishes : )

  8. maybe that you washed it and the color ran, or that you accidently stained it or someone on the train or bus spilled something on u... theres tons of excuses.

  9. your new. Why rock the boat? just say that you lost it are deeply sorry and ask if you can get another. I'm sure itll be no big deal.

  10. tell the truth !!  simple, no manager likes a liar

  11. Hey just say that the tie that they gave u was different and u turned it in and if they didnt get its there faults

  12. Try telling the truth. Who wants a liar for an employee?

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