
I love 2 sing, and i hit all the right notes, but i sing through my nose, and i get imbarrest to sing 2 others

by  |  earlier

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in school, we have music lessons, some times we all have to sing, i sit there not singing because every one tells me i cannot sing, so im to scared to please help ! xx




  1. same wot i do is even though i get ebarressed i still sing to show off. if you like singing carry on dont be so nevers, dont worry if you cant sing!!!!

  2. If you love to sing, and it's your talent that Jesus has given you, use it for His glory, it dose not matter what anyone else may say, but pray sincerly and seek His will for your life!    And try to open your mouth and instead of making your voice go into your nasel passage push it down into your gut.    Hope this Helps!
       God bless your talent in Jesus Name!

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