
I love 2 snow board.. I want to lean some tricks can any on give some tips??

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I love 2 snow board.. I want to lean some tricks can any on give some tips??




  1. well...

    in FLATLAND pressing is alwas cool...

    -just lean BACK (tail slide)

    -or FORWARD (nose slide) until your board starts to flex... it will look like a weelie... try from a still position first and then mooving faster and faster (not to steep)...

    when you have mastered that try turning your shoulders to start "butering"... you will start spinning in a press... to stop just turn your shoulders back and give a pop for style...

    IN AIR

    -try doing grabs...

    -then 180°s

    -then try 180° with a grab

    -then 360° and so on... (dont forget the cab... just  jump with the leg u usually keep in front AT THE BACK its also called switch 4 skiers)

    TO SPIN turn your shoulders in the air... and keep a REGULAR position to not stop the spin... the faster the spin the faster you need to turn your shoulders... and for almost every jump (kickers) you will have to CARVE them to start the spin even better... be careful that you are carving in the direction of the spin and leaning on the nearest blade... (this will avoid your board sinkin in the snow and you gettin hurt xD)

    for RAILS (start with boxes first)

    -start 50-50s keeping your weight in the middle...

    -then if you feel ok with it try pressing them...

    -then fs (frontside) boardslide / tail or nose slide

    -and then bs (backside) boardslide / tail or nose slide

    -then try spinning on em...

  2. Buttering is real cool also to add some extra style try grabbing your tip to flex your board more while doing it. its a real head turner around begginers

  3. any of those tricks are great but make sure you can ride switch or you cant do over half the tricks

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