
I love America for the constitution. But what's up with these people?

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I can't believe what I'm seeing or hearing.. Are these Americans??

Watch this video to see what I'm saying..




  1. I think you're right. The video is biased and those people are all idiots. The scary thing is that they probably vote. The funny thing is that they seem to think that Korea, France, Iran and Israel are in Australia!

  2. Imma star this because you tube is blocked from work, but I will watch it tonight.  I can only imangine what it says.

  3. Yes, there are a lot of people like that in the US.  Look at how many still support GW Bush.  If they really knew anything at all about what is going on, Bush would NEVER have even become president.

    I actually run into a LOT of people who are totally unaware of what is going on outside the little bubble that surrounds them.


    To be fair, I don't think it is just Americans.  How much intelligence does it take, really, to put on a dynamite vest and blow yourself up in a crowded marketplace.

  4. If these guys took a walk down any street in Liverpool they'd probably end up with similar answers. Editing is makes anything possible. Just ask Michael Moore. ;-)

  5. cant watch it at work but i am sure its ridiculous

  6. In a population of hundreds of millions of people, you'll be able to find some idiots.  We can't possibly consider these responses as typical.

    What IS disturbing is that the votes of these people count as much (prior to any Diebold adjustments) as those of any other person.

  7. all Republicans say untruths

  8. It takes a real low IQ to not know the answers to most of those questions.  I'm sure that most of those are not registered voters and the ones that are more than likely vote republican.

  9. But what you don't see is the thousands of people the did know the answers and ended up on the editor's floor.

    I am sure you could get the same results anywhere in the world....including England.

    The d**n Britt's need to get over the fact that they lost the war and it was over 200 yrs ago !  And how soon they forget that it was these stupid Americans that came and saved their butts as well as the French, and kept them from speaking German !    GOD BLESS AMERICA.......

  10. They are the people that Bush has left behind.

  11. It's so funny. You see, I could answer every one of those questions. No problem whatsoever.

    Now, I did this once in the highly educated nation of the Netherlands. I asked about European Affairs, information about the European government, and a number of other things.

    Know what I got about 50% of the time? A sea of dumbfounded faces.

    You just go on believing everyone is so much smarter than Americans. It turns out that we have educated people, and so does Europe. We have lots of dullards, and so do you.

    Go figure.

  12. I doubt that British pubdwellers on the streets would do much better.

    It was funny though.

    I could answer all of those questions.

  13. Not all of the Americans like that. But the overwhelming majority is. I am still getting used to it.

  14. That's embarrassing.

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