
I love Chicago. Do you like/love Chicago?

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why or why not??




  1. Never been there.

    Hear the pollution is bad, everyone has an attitude, and the food is good. But I've never gone there to confirm these reports.

    Actually, when I was younger and did a lot more acting than I do now, one of the directors who I was in a couple shows with was from Chicago. Good director, professional, and worked hard. I don't know if that's just him, or if that's your typical person from Chicago.

    I lived in Southern California my entire life, never had the chance to know if I like/love Chicago.  

  2. I moved here a little over three years ago. It's a great city and there is always a lot going on and something to do. But life is really fast paced here, and traffic is horrible. I am from originally from a suburb of Milwaukee and I really miss it. But Chicago starts to grow on you and I'm sure that if you keep an open mind you will grow to like it as well. I hope that things work out for you!

  3. I love it sweetheart, born raised, and looking forward to the rest of my life in it.

  4. I actually agree with a lot of what "M2Wild" says - though I have no experience with the condo thing. I've lived in the Chicago area my entire life - grew up in the suburbs and moved into the city about 2 years ago.  During the 5 years of my life that I had a license while living in the suburbs, I never received a single parking ticket.  Since I've been living in Chicago for 2 years I've probably received somewhere between 10 and 15 tickets. Mostly for "street cleaning" even though they don't actually clean the streets during this supposed time for street cleaning. They just put tickets on all the cars that didn't move. I've been able to get about half of those tickets thrown out by contesting them because they knew the reasons for those tickets were ridiculous (where I live they like to put the signs where you can barely see them and only like 1 on each side of the street).

    The police are very shady. My husband has been thrown onto a car and hand cuffed by the police with guns to his head because he was walking outside near the lake at like midnight and the park/beach apparently closes at 11pm. (Mind you we live on the lake front so he was right in front of our house). Fortunately he came out alive, but with a $350 ticket for being on the beach after hours.

    I think Chicago has good shopping downtown and some cool restaurants to visit. But it just seems that as much as I want to like it here my experiences make me desperately want to leave. Jobs are extremely competitive, even the minimum wage jobs - nowadays it's hard to even get a minimum wage job - yet I've been offered 2 jobs out of state after only applying for a couple and I've applied for probably hundreds here in Chicago and had very minimal success. And let's not even get started on the weather!

    I WANT to like Chicago, it just doesn't seem to like me much....

    How I miss the suburbs....

  5. Chicago is the best example of an American city. NYC is like a giant international terminal at an airport. Indianapolis has a more impressive skyline than LA... Except for Obama Chicago is a great city.      

  6. chicago has it's strong points. the lake affects almost all travel. the mayor tries real hard to do the right thing.

    we have fresh water here, something california doesn't.

    I'll take the seasons anytime.

    In my travels I've found that most places are the same, it's the people and your experience that shapes the opinion.

  7. I waited 1 year before i finally decided to say that i didn't like Chicago.  I've never been one to complain, but after living here for 1 year, I can honestly say that the city hasn't been good to me and i doubt it ever will be.  Here are some of my reasons:

    1. 10.25% city sales tax.  Yes...that's right-10.25%!

    2.  Crooked condo developers-i bought a condo and long story short-we are taking him to court, yet we need to come up with $10,000/ unit to get our building up to code!  And when you tell people about this, they say, "yeah that happens here."  I hate that answer!

    3.  COLD-they say 2008-2009 is going to be even colder then last winter.  d**n, i miss Texas!

    4.  Parking Tickets-The division of the city that is in charge of parking tickets is actually called the department of revenue.  I got a ticket while parked legally, but they got me on "drivers side and passenger side windows too tinted."  $240!!!

    I really wanted to like/love this city, but if i could leave right now (i can't because of the condo issue), I would be out of here in a heartbeat!

    But good luck-i know many people who enjoy the city-i just happen to be one that doesn't.

  8. ive been to chicago this past summer

    Its LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           the el trains are loud!!!!!

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