
I love France. I think it's the best country in the world. Do you agree?

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I love France. I think it's the best country in the world. Do you agree?




  1. i love this country myself and hope that some day i'll be able to live there for the rest of my life.

  2. No I think the French are a bunch of two faced individuals whose sole goal in life is to make life hard for the U.S.  They have been doing it since before the U.S. was a nation and just kept on going afterwards.

    And don't give me any c**p about Yorktown because they didn't show up until after it was obvious to everyone that the U.S. had it in the bag!

  3. Nowhere is better than the UK,Everyone want,s to come and sponge off of us!!!!!!

  4. I love France too. The best country? It depends, everyone has preferences, system of values, so....

  5. It's a fun place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

    * I did and it was really hard because the french are so rude to anyone who isn't french---(my experience)super nationalistic people.

    They don't travel well as they have a superiority complex (I don't know why?) and they treat people in the countries they visit without much courtesy. If you like it more power to you. Go.

  6. It's not the best, but one of the best. I would put in the top 5.

  7. No way

  8. I put it in the top 10, but certainly not the best.

  9. No, sorry. I like it, but it's not the best in my opinion.

  10. France is the only country I know of that has a law that allows you to bring your dog with you to outdoor cafes/restaurants.  They even bring your dog a bowl of water and food, so I agree.

  11. I'm French and I don't think France is the best country in the world.

    But I think it's the most diversified, compared to its smalled size, we have so many different landscapes, climates, architecture styles, local cultures.

  12. i've never been but i've always wanted to go.. i do imagine it as one of the best countries in the world though :) along with finland! x

  13. i only liked o'lean.

    i did not like the rest of france - and thought the people were pompous as ses.

  14. h**l no.

  15. France is a beautiful country.  I visited Paris many years ago and had a wonderful time.  Paris is an excellent cultural center as well as a beautiful city, and I recommend everyone visit it at least once.  Southern France is even prettier!  

    However, I don't believe France is the greatest country in the world, nor do I believe that America is either.  I think Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Canada are much better countries (as far as governments and services go).

  16. OUI

  17. France is a great country, but it's probably not the best... It depends which points of France you talk about.

    The food is excellent, landscapes are awesome, wine is cheap, girls are pretty, health care system is nearly perfect...

    The problem is France is full of French people, which are very nice, but... strange!

  18. no I don't agree, but then again i've never been there either.  if you think its so great, then good for you, enjoy!!!!

  19. well, I'm French, and I don't think France is the best country in the world. Every country has good and bad sides, no one is perfect!

  20. France is a very nice country with a lot of great customs and traditions.  It is very hard to have an opinion about another country if you don't live there or have visited.  I will one day visit this great country, but until then I have no comment.

  21. How wud I know I have never been there but I work with French they are humble ppl

  22. of course not... maybe the second:P(in my opinion)

  23. Ah. no.  Sealand is.

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