
I love Italians! What's the nicest country you've been too because of it's peoples warm reception?

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I went to Italy earlier this year, travelled all over and it is the most beautiful country I have ever been too. I am not italian but after visiting their country, I would change my nationalilty in a heartbeat to be italian. I can see why italians have so much pride in being italian.




  1. definitely Italy has to be nicest country that i have been to

  2. Cumulative months of travel in Mexico.  Never once had a bad time, or met rude people, other than other obnoxious Americans like myself.

  3. Sweden and Norway were equally friendly and welcoming (I was an exchange student in the former).

  4. viva l'Italia!!

  5. I loved spending a year in Budapest (Hungary) ... everyone was super nice to me and I really loved making new friends and trying to learn the language.  :)

  6. Italy and the United Arab Emirates.

  7. Warm receptions happen in many/most countries outside of the United States-sad commentary that is, huh?

  8. Mexico, and Peru.

    The first time I went to Mexico, the people were so friendly that it made me want to go back. Also, the Peruvians are a very warm people. Although I was there in March 2002 right before Bush visited Lima, and a car bomb exploded in the middle of my trip, the thing I remember most is the attitude of the Peruvians I met. They were extremely nice.  I'd like to go back to Peru sometime but airfare is so expensive I don't see that happening any time soon.

    As someone mentioned something about obnoxious Americans, it's been my experience that the most annoying people I meet while traveling are exactly that!

  9. Mulege, Mexico. My boyfriend has a place down there on the sea of cortez. I love it down there. The people are friendly and absolutely wonderful. Not to mention how beautiful it is. Going there gives a completely different picture of Mexico and the people.

  10. Japan is the BEST !. I went for Homestay Programme last April...

  11. Both France and Germany were quite nice.  Germans seemed warmer though.

  12. The Chinese are some of the friendliest and helpful people around.. they'll rule the world one day if they're not already ruling it.

  13. Fijians are warm and open, and genuine-they are nice just because, not because they want your tourist dollars, but because that's who they are.  You'll never want to leave.  (Yes, after living in Italy for over a year, I know what you mean.)

  14. Italy, I love Italians, exactly like you and I would love to live there, it's the most beautiful country ever and Italians are so friendly and optimistic!

  15. Well I want to visit Africa and Mexico.

  16. Ireland, we got in late and went straight to a pub in Kilkenny after a very hard and long day of travel from Belgium to get there.  The pub was busy and the music was playing, and it did not take more than 5 minutes for the locals to embrace us, ask us to dance and teach us their songs and share beer!!!  At the end of the night they invited us out the following night and it lead to a great fun trip, everyone in Ireland is very friendly and embracing.  If you have not been I recommend you go!  It is a great experience.

  17. I am an Irishman (unfortunately back) in Italy for almost 6 years now, with my Italian wife of 24 years. I speak Italian fluently.

    Italy is very beautiful, and a very nice place for a two week break. The food is very good (though not as great as people will tell you it is...authentic Chinese is infinitely better; we lived in China for 2 and a half years, MUCH nicer people than Italians), and the architecture/art spectacular.

    But, for positive things, I would stop there.

    The rest really is a collection of idiotic superfluities, egotistical hedonism, shallow thinking, the most expensive yet weakest education system in Europe (I am a teacher in a University here, and I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Italians would beat hands down any contest to find the most politically ignorant people in the Western world), there are endless 44-year-old Mommy's boys everywhere, it's absolutely FILTHY here (rubbish everywhere...the landscape is used as a tipping ground for anything and everything), sacred and globally important buildings have 'Loredana, you're a f**king w***e' sprayed in big letters on the side of them, people spontaneously step off the kerb in front of you as you are driving and then shout at you for not stopping, politicians are particularly and spectacularly corrupt, the legal system is a joke (except, it's just not funny), Italians are xenophobic **in the extreme** (as a tourist you will not see this...they just want your money, and being all smiley and nice nice will work in getting it out of your hand to theirs, but as you walk away thinking 'What nice people', you don't hear/understand that they are calling you 'a damned idiot', everyone wants to rip you off as soon as they hear that you are not a native Italian, nobody knows how to say please or thank you, and try changing $20 to Euro...even in big cities you will NOT find a place that will do it for you without taking 50% in commission.

    In short, a nation with no future.

    But, to answer your question: I'd say Switzerland. Or Thailand. Or any country in Scandinavia.

  18. It was Italy, I just love it there. My nationality is Canadian but I do plan on getting the dual citizenship pretty soon because I am half Italian..... Viva L'Italia!!! hehe

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