
I love McDonalds but..?

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Is it really that bad for me? i work in a mall and theres a food court, and all the healthy restraunts are so expensive for lunch, so id like to just grab two double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds..but i dont wanna mess my body up.

if i eat mcdonalds just while im a teen, and then eat healthy once im in my 20's will i be fine?




  1. you should get into the habbit of eating healthy when you are young. then when you grow up you will want to be healthy because it is a habbit. if you eat Micky D's every day while you are a teen, you will  want to when you are older.

  2. Eating McDonalds everyday is never good for you no matter how old or young you are. If you must go, try a salad or grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo. Order water instead of pop. There are apple dippers there. Order that instead of fries. Is it possible for you to just bring a lunch to work?

  3. Didn't know McDonald's sold but...

    You just grab two double cheeseburgers, how about grabbing two side salads instead.

    People ought to quit blaming McDonald's for the health of this country.

    Green is the thing, but only on my money. Fried harp seal anyone?

  4. I look at it like this, w/ a cheeseburger you get your meat(burger), bread(bun), & dairy(cheese), & vegetable(w/ fries).  It may have a lot of calories or whatever, but it hits most food groups.  As long as you don't just eat McDs all the time, you'll be fine.

  5. do what you you want but i really couldnt answer that question cuz idk how much you way or anything like that and im not a doctor haha but it also depends on how much you eat it if your fat its not good for you obviously but idk you so i couldnt tell

  6. just don't have it everyday.

  7. They say the salads are worse and more full of high calories than the hamburgers they serve. Ask to see a calorie counter menu and look for yourself. Its horrible for you.  Pack fruit and so on instead.

  8. Hmm, let's see..

    Two double cheeseburgers:

    880 calories

    46 grams of fat

    22 grams of saturated fat (you're only supposed to have less than 20 a day)

    3 grams of trans fat

    2300 grams of sodium (that's about a whole days worth for a normal person)

    YES, THAT's BAD.

    Mine doesnt use gloves to prepare the food. =X

    You may think you feel fine (health wise), but eating like that frequently can lead to irreversible damage to your body. Obesity, clogged arteries (leads to heart attack), heart burn, etc...

  9. the MSG contained in fast food products is whats unhealthy for ya

    eating fast food once in a while is alright

    i heard about a man that tried to eat fast food everyday and visited the doctor and was told to stop cause it was hurting his body

  10. don't eat it too much but if you really want to stop watch supersize me

  11. As long as you burn enough energy to offset the calories you're taking in, you're fine. "Healthy" is relative to how much energy you burn in a day. For example, Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day (that's enough for 6 people), and I'm pretty sure he's in good shape.

  12. the less of that c**p you eat the better. go to a grocery store and grab an apple or something

  13. Have anything in moderation. It is definitely not healthy to have the cheeseburgers every day

  14. yeah right.... like your gonna go vegan in your 20's

    if u feel guilty about it, its probably wrong

  15. Eat whatever u lyk m8, u can worry bout the concequences another time!

  16. well mcdonalds may seem like the best place ever while ur a teen but once u get older u will get addicted and have heath problems so maybe start packing lunch

  17. there are plenty of alternatives to eat cheap and be healthy... try to get a grilled chicken wrap there... and make sure you stay hydrated because they are high in sodium... u can't just tell yourself you will eat bad in your teens then stop in your 20s thats just not a good thought process.

  18. Well, it may be that it is too late for you, based on your awful grammar and spelling.  Seriously, though:  you can "mess your body up" if you eat ONLY certain types of food. Yeah, if you make a habit of eating that every single day, expect to get fat and unhealthy.  Once or twice a week?  Well, you won't do any permanent damage. In fact, it takes a heck of a lot to cause permanent, irreversible damage to one's body; our poor bodies are actually quite forgiving!  Why don't you bring something from home? Also Mickey D's has salads; you don't HAVE to eat cheeseburgers from them!  It's up to you; if you eat 10 double cheeseburgers a week, then are probably going to put on weight.  But it won't permanently damage you; even with high cholesteral, there are things people can do to bring that down.

    As far as eating like this in your teens, and then eating healthy in your 20's and beyond....well, the thing is:  you have already established a pattern of eating that will be very hard to break.  But again, few things we do to our bodies are permanently unhealthy.  Have a cheeseburger or two (oh, I AM CRAVING A DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER...THANKS A LOT!!) once a week; but vary your intake; have a salad and a SMALL burger (no cheese; use tons of's delicious that way...really!) if you want.  Just be smart; you seem to already be smart because you are asking!

    PS - MacDonalds cannot call their milkshakes..."milkshakes" cuz there is not enough actual dairy/milk in them to be legally (FDA) labeled a milk product!  They can only legally call them "shakes"; yeah, I know...they are tasty, though, right?

  19. no. u wont be. it'll just catch up to u wen ur an adult. so be careful

  20. Just go to this link and look at the ingredients in some of their products - fries should have 2 ingredients (potatoes and oil), at McDonalds they have 9 including hydrogenated oils - the worst kind)

    Bread should have 4 ingredients - water, flour, yeast and salt. McDonalds burger buns have about 38! (see list) There is a huge list there of things they say there is 2% or less of in the bun but if you add up how many things on that list it could add up to nearly 30% of the bun. I don't think you need to look any further than this list to see it is bad for you.....

  21. ick. mcdonalds is sooo bad for you. just try making a healthy sandwich at home or something. mcdonalds is only good to eat once a month or not even if you wanna stay healthy.

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