
I love a group Ive been in since 2003 but one of the mods r giving me a hard time/What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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It is silly, but one of the moderators of a group I have enjoyed and been a part of since 2003 is giving me a terrible time. She won't let me talk to any of the other moderators and the stuff she is telling me is really rude. Honestly she is Powertripping. What can I do?




  1. The short answer is to start your own group then invite others from your present group.

  2. unlike what others suggested, i would if i was you, discuss it with the owner, can you Im The owner? or phone the owner?  id if i were you, get the owners phone number, you can talk things out much better...if the group has to many mods, perhaps you & owner can come to terms to give you more power & make the other mods a member?  i think to many mods is more HARM than good, it usally takes only 2, ive seen groups with hundreds and only one owner, good luck

  3. very little you can do. not sure why you need to talk to the other moderators but many groups appoint only one moderator to handle certain things. you can either work it out with that moderator, ignore that moderator or find another group to join. there is no complaint form for member/ moderator disagreements, sorry and good luck

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