
I love a person vry much and i trust him should i marry him in future?

by  |  earlier

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actually my parents dnt find him d best person 4 me and just now m doing last year in BSc, but i hv faith that he is is my right choice then pls tel me wat to do b'cos i cnt go against my parents.




  1. hey...your spelling isn't wrong...its just that some people don't understand text language that like.....

    first....the future is the future...nobody can tell you what will be..

    second...depending on your must listen to your heart and if your heart says that you must marry this guy, but your parents don't like him....try to find the middle way and let your parents get to know him (and your heart) more.....also, work this out with the guy...his response to this major problem of yours might just show you another aspect about him that you need to evaluate... matter your religion: pray/meditate....whichever is the case....

    there is never any harm in waiting just a little bit longer for your answer, too.....

  2. Are all  you people that responded alright? She's in India for heaven's sakes. Did you think you were writing to someone locally from the states? Check your facts before you respond to spelling and grammar. As for answering your question, always go with your heart. I'm Indian, born and raised in the United States. My parents wanted me to marry within my culture, but I went with my heart instead. I told myself that I'm the one that's going to be married to this person, not my family. If I marry my parents choice, and my parents pass on, I'm left with the person they chose, not them. If the both of you love each other as much as you feel, then by all means, marry him and move on with your life, since it's your life, not theirs. :) Good luck!

  3. first,  its never cool to misspell. In case you did not know spell check is on yahoo answers!

    important and realistic things to consider are as follows (think using your top story, not heart)

    1. how educated is he,  is he well placed in terms of job ?? (the fact that you family does not approve explains a lot)

    2. how much does he earn, money talks in real life

    3. Is he good looking

    4. What is his family back ground

    5,. Is he equally interested in you

    the fact that you love him a lot will not give you peace for rest of your life,  you need much more than love

    You need to trust your parents, find out why they are unhappy with him, try to amicably settle the situation. May be you need to sell his assets to them, weigh pros and cons, shaadi is for lifetime.

    Just putting in my two cents !!

  4. How old are you? You're thinking about marriage and you spell like that? Wow...

    I don't even know what to say.. that's scary. What will the future of this country come to? :-/

  5. Don't go with what people on Yahoo! Answers say, trust yourself.

    I will recommend you don't just marry him now, wait for later when you're really sure.

    And try and get your parents to see him in a new light, and give them a little bit more trust. They're trying to do what's best for you. You may find later that they are either right or wrong, but they do love you, which is why they don't like him for whatever reason.

  6. See, in your life u will face several situations where u will have to face the crossroads...same here...u love ur parents as well as this special person, so go ahead try to get them come closer...arrange a meeting...tell the person some tips that ur parents would adore in him....and since u love this person there must be something worth loving in him...try to explain it to your parents!..Try to analyse their point of view as well....Best of Luck!!

  7. see that depends upon suggestion is donot mary him because...........always mary a person who loves you and not the one you love......


  8. hear ur heart carefully since it's a big step  but think properly if u will hurt them .

    from my point of view in ur shoes  i would prefer to listen to my parents because they are the more experience ones in life and as in films they would think of ur own benefits

  9. learn english.

    education is the only way to be FREE

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