
I love all of your responses to my question. Very informative and thought provoking. But they beg another?

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question. Why is there not been a solution to ridding all of us from this worthless, deadly and addictive product we all seem to love to hate? I personally don't think any smoker really "wants" to smoke at this point. I believe that either the addictive quality has made it near impossible to give up without, for the majority of us, extreme willpower and aids to reduce the withdrawal. I am a single mom with no child-support. You should know by my profile that it's not because I didn't try to get CS and it's my next topic of attack as the laws governing CS are "broken" to say the least. I have no room in my budget for expensive Stop Smoking Products, which by the way the FDA does govern. That alone fully admits on their part that they classifiy Nicotine as a drug. My question is are we willing, as a society, to let wrong be right if it involves money? Is it right one deadly product passes through but others are "called on the carpet" and dismissed? Thanks.




  1. I am not a smoker or drinker, never have been, never will be. I do think that government is taking over our right to privacy, and I do not think the government should tell us what we can or can not do.  If smokers want to smoke, that is their own personal choice.  Since the government says it is okay to kill a unborn baby, if that is what the mother wants to do, then why should they not say, if you want to smoke or drink, do it. The only difference is,  a unborn baby is being killed by some one else, without  anyone to defend it.  Smokers are killing them self by choice.  Drinkers , especially drinking and driving or killing them self and other people.  Strange how people place higher priorities on  smokers and drinkers than they do human life.

  2. We as a society are more than willing to let wrong become a right if it involves money, especially when it involves the FDA where the big money comes form drug companies.  We hear, for example, of the various drugs to help us sleep at night but we don't hear of the natural substances which cost far less and are better for us.  we hear about the drug company anti-acids for heart burn but we don't hear of natural substances that are as effective  without the dangers, and speaking of that, the labels do not warn strongly enough that overdosing can cause death - a dear friend died for too many anti-acids taken over too short a period of time.

    If our government were not for sale there would be no lobbyists doing the buying. it is as simple as that.  Regarding smoking, I will list three good sites for free help on quitting - I was looking for the last one for you when I found the others, and no, I haven't quit yet. lol

  3. Millions of smokers have quit; you can too. Just think of how much ~that~ will help your budget.

    But your choice need not be anyone else's, and demanding that the government forbid everyone from doing something because you want to be stopped is inappropriate.

  4. it all boils down to "money"

    think about how much the farmers middle men and government make.........way in the billions........

    another point  is if it was outlawed it would end up like the "drugs"we have out there now,we all know it is addictive but how many really want to quit........guarantee you we would have another drug war on our hands..........

  5. I am a smoker that has quit on and off for over 20 years... I hate smoking.. I've never enjoyed it.

    It urks the c**p out of me when I hear ppl say, "Plenty of ppl have quit so can you." Those ppl are so ignorant.

    Sure some have quit. Some of us are weaker, more addicted or maybe just have a harder time with addiction; but, whatever the case, why are we punished for this.

    Over the past month, the SCHIP (childrens healtcare) legislation was vetoed by Bush. Now, I am a Bush hater but for once I agreed with him. WHy? Because the SCHIP is funded by a 60 cents tax increase on cigarette packs. WTH!!!!

    Why make an already hurting (because we are addicted to smoking) portion of society pay for what ALL of society should pitch in and pay for.

    THe Democrats argued that it would be an incentive for ppl to quit. GEEZ If you REALLY want ppl to quit, why don't you put some money into a quit smoknig fund that gives nicotine patches, pays for programs, etc.... that REALLY help ppl quit.

  6. I really think there is more to worry about then just smoking ,,

    Sorry But , this question takes a back seat to all of our other problems that we are facing , Like Meth ,

    If you want to smoke then smoke if not quit , and if you can;t then to bad for you ,, You should have never started any way ,

    You remind me of a whinner, Next you'll want to stop drinking and cant ,, then it will be Coke or Pepsi ,

    Lets worry about whats really needs to be done about the worst drug ever Meth ,,,

    Dont mean to hurt your feelings But  you must  have some surrport groups you can get help for FREE

    But I understand that Meth is far worst then smoking ,, They say only once will get you hooked , So what do you say about that?? Just Quit no one held you down to smoke ,

  7. Keep trying to quit.  You will succeed.  I used the Patches and a support group sponsored by a local hospital.  

    We will never be rid of the products, as soon as they outlaw them, we have bootlegging.  Look at prohibition..all it did was create criminals and boost profits for organized crime

  8. Most who have quit that I know did because of a life changing incident. They got pregnant; someone in the family died of lung cancer; the doctor measured their lung capacity and showed them that they were not getting oxygen like a regular person; they realized they were setting a bad example for their children.

    Money is seldom a motivator altho' with the price today, I don't see why not. Homeless bums seem to find a way to smoke. Welfare recipients seem to smoke more - as a percentage - than the rest of the population. I determined in school that the cost of cigarettes would cost me at least three new cars in my lifetime. So, for me, it was a motivator.

    Strangely enough. Tobacco farming is increasing in this country now that subsides have been reduced. Farmers are growing it for foreign markets and they pay top dollar for American products. That means less acreage is being used to grow edible crops. Go figure.

    Finally, I believe you can stop if you want to. I'd like to take a drink but know what it does to me so I don't do that anymore. Find a friend who wants to quit, too, and create your own support system. You may have to quit numerous times before you do for good. But it is worth the effort. Good luck with that.

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