
I love animals, and i;m stuck which career path to follow. can you help?

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i really love animals, and my dream job would be to work with them. I'm thinking about vet, but i don't think i can be a surgeon. Do you have any suggestions of other jobs?




  1. that's so weird. i'm *exactly* the same... can't give u any advice, or else i wouldn't have this problem myself, but i'm starring u so i can see what answers u get!!

  2. you can always take one of those tests that they do to see what people are best at

    those sometimes give you a good idea about which specific field in which you would excel

  3. work at a petshop. try to get up to become a manager or something. if you dont want to do that. you can work AT or WITH a vet and be like a nurse that hands the actual  vet the tools they need. or like work at teh desk.   =]]

  4. you could maybe be as vat assistant

  5. go to school and study zoo-ology. you could run an animal rehab facility, conduct critically important field research around the world, etc

    you could look at getting involved in animal rights issues via PETA or the American Humane Society ...

    immediately, you could start volunteering at your local animal shelter and start networking with others who share your love of animals and maybe there more ideas will come to you ...

    a PhD or Masters even in zoo-ology is your ticket. research the best programs and go for it. education is always the best bet. good luck.

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