
I love cheerleading, but need help, im cant do things everyone else can do, help me?

by  |  earlier

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I love to cheer, its my passion, but i am 6 inces away from the ground on my split, and cant get my toe to touch my hand on a scorpian. I can do a pretty good toe touch, but i also need to master my back handspring for the fall(tryouts). and tips, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. things that you can do yourself practice at home. Do some exercises at home to keep you supple and keep practicing every night even if its just one attempt of the splits once a night.

      in a nutshell just keep practicing and soon you'll be better than every1 else.

  2. dont think that im behind and stuff have confidence. for splits strech everyday and you will get it. also stretch your back. ask for spots for a handspring. practice on a tramp and a cheese matt. well hope i helped. good luck!

  3. you need to do lots of splits!! and backbends!! that will help with shoulder flexibility and! do lots of leg, wrist , and arm stengthning! it will help give you more power for a back handspring! good luck! :)

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