
I love children but I'm scared to death that I....

by  |  earlier

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wouldn't be responsible enough to raise them right. I'm afraid I might be to lazy or that my emotional problems might rub off on them. Well for now I'm not married anyway, but if a girl asks me if I want kids, my answer would possibly be "yes, but....". Any advice?




  1. If your concerned enough to worry about it, and think about how your rasing them, chances are you are a responsible mother.

  2. Everyone's scared they'll get it wrong.

    If you don't have any serious problems that you know of, you're probably ok.

    But you have to wait it out, you can't feel obliged to be ready to have children because your about the right age, you have to feel ready when you are ready. Just wait a while, it'll come.

  3. that feelings is normal but just relax dont think it too much you will be allright..

  4. Wait until you feel responsible. Work at a daycare or something.

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