
I love curling how often do you play it and how good are you?

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i am a experianced curler at only 14 i love it to peices and recently won the championships =)




  1. 15, I'm going to playdowns this year , hope i do well. I think i'm ok, but Idefinitely have places to improve like weight.I curl twice a week, but want to curl more.


    By championships what do you mean?

    Your position in the order you throw does not say how good you are once you reach high level curling. Only what you are better at.

  2. I'm 12 and everyone at the curling club says I'm the most impoved. It went from a lead to a mate in 1 year. This is my 2nd year. I'd say i sweep quite fast. I curl once a week. I can slide about 3\4 of the ice. And I throw quite well. I guess i would rate me a 9. I have some patches to be fixed (like line, I always bring my foot back to far when I slide and i go drifting off to the side. That happens 1 out of 10 times).

  3. I just started curling last year in my sophmore year and i started as a skip, best thing ever, but now in my junior year i play 2nd and i curl for school 2-3 a month for games, and i curl in a womans league at the club in town every wednesday night from 7:30-9:30, and for this i'm lead... I believe i;ve improved alot since last year, i find that i can now figure my weight. I;d rate myself an 8.

  4. I love curling i think its the greatest sport in the world no matter what anyone says

    I'm 17 but have been curling for 8 years.  I have a fairly good slide/delivery

    I'm working on becoming a better skip at the moment so i'm working on being able to make tougher shots and have better strategy

    The one good thing about the sport is that no matter how good you are you can always work on something to improve

    No one can be perfect at the sport

    Happy Curling!!

  5. I love curling aswell (Im 20), i play about once a week, more often would be good.  Im not brilliant as i have only recently started but i have been told i have a really good slide and that i will go far.  Hopefully true. Good luck

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