
I love dancing, but what can I do about my ballet teacher?

by Guest60574  |  earlier

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I'm a senior and have been dancing since I was 3 and I love dancing, I really REALLY do! I dance ballet, tap, and jazz (I used to do pointe, but couldn't this year for financial reasons). But the truth is I could never see myself starting a career in dancing no matter how much I love dancing, it's just something I do for fun. Up until this year I've always been excited to go to dance classes and this year I dread it!

It just feels like my ballet teacher tries to make me feel terrible about myself. Basically, I know that I am no prima ballerina in fact I will admit that I'm far from that, but I love to dance and I know that I'm not so terrible that I should be shoved in a box and never be allowed to dace again but this teacher makes me feel like that! If I do one tiny thing wrong (ie my hips aren't turned on the exact angle she wants) she stops the music and instead of kindly telling me what to correct she yells and me in front of the whole class and tells me that




  1. you should try to tell her how you feel.

  2. First of all, you need to set up a private conference with your teacher.  Calmly explain to her your feelings and motivations for taking class.  Be sure she understands your perspective before you say anything about her.  Once she is clear with your intentions, proceed to tell her how her actions make you feel.  Becareful how you word things; you want to make sure you aren't blaming her, although you may feel she is to blame.  

    If there is no resolution in a polite, respectful manner, then you should find a different studio to dance with.  You said you dance because you love it.  Well, don't let a bad relationship with a teacher ruin that passion forever.  After all, your well being is more important than status at a dance school.

  3. I have left a ballet teacher for very similar reasons - and I advise you to get out now, while you still love dancing!  If she's the only teacher in town, you can still dance - be your own teacher!  I've done it.   So can you.  Let her see what she missed out on having.  Keep dancing!

  4. teachers tend to put you on the spot when they think your worth it...think about it. if she didnt care about your mistakes would she correct you? most teachers use this method because it pushes some people to work harder and yet it depresses others...just remember you dance because you love it and not to please her so next time she corrects you don't let it get you down..just try your best

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