
I love golf, but is it really a sport?

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big tim: Don't forget that ESPN plays poker, too.




  1. Yes it is.

  2. It takes SOME for of athleticism... and it involves a ball.... its on ESPN.... i would say so

  3. see you on the fairway

  4. From Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:

    1 a : something that is a source of pleasant diversion : a pleasing or amusing pastime or activity : RECREATION <spent the afternoon in sport and play> b obsolete : SEXUAL DALLIANCE : amorous play c obsolete : a theatrical performance d : a particular play, game, or mode of amusement: as (1) : a diversion of the field (as fowling, hunting, fishing, racing, or athletic games); also : any of various games (as bowling, rackets, basketball) or comparable diversions usually played under cover (2) : a game or contest especially when involving individual skill or physical prowess on which money is staked

  5. Anything you can compete in technically is a sport. So yes Golf is a sport. They have to be in shape well enough to walk about 5 to 6 miles a day.Though more of a mental sport it has it's physical aspects to it too. You can tear your shoulder,blow out your back injure your wrists,so yea I believe that golf is a sport.

  6. If it's played by the best in the world, it's a sport. If it's played by me and some buddies, it's really just a game.

  7. who cares? all you have to remember is that it's fun. who care what others think

  8. Depends if you play it or not.  Anyone how doesn't play it will laugh at anyone who calls it a sport.  Anyone who plays will call it a sport.

    Or maybe it just me.

  9. the ways the pros play it yes it is a sport.

  10. If golf isnt a sport, then I dont know what is.  Look at the definition of 'sport'.  You will find golf easily meets the criteria for a sport.  If you dont think golf is an athletic activity, well then, you're just ignorant.  Trying to compare golf with poker is silly.

  11. h**l ya. if some of thoes other sports are considered sports like cheer, ping pong, cheerleading, and things like that, then golf should be a shoe in. It's alot harder than it looks, try it!

  12. If Tiger Woods isnt an athlete than someones gotta tell me who is.

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