
I love golf but don't know what jobs there are that pay a decent salary. Any ideas?

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I love golf but don't know what jobs there are that pay a decent salary. Any ideas?




  1. If you really want to be able to play golf and earn money at the same time, you just need to start thinking creatively. If you're not good enough to become a pro, why not become a pro's caddy, teach lessons to wealthy golf beginners, or write an instructional golf book.

  2. You wont get paid much in golf unless you go to the PGA professional series which requires A playing ability test which you must pass and lots of book work which you send in to be checked and after that 2 series of tests which you must pass....

    You could work in the Pro Shop not much pay

    or of course be a cart runner again not much pay

    Good Luck

  3. Teaching pays the most $$$ unless you're on tour..look up USGTF..

  4. If you love golf, dont become a PGA professional (or any other professional). Talk to any local pro, and most of them rarely play the game anymore.

    If you would like to be in the business, you should consider being a sales rep for a major company like Callaway, Taylor Made .. ect

    Most of those guys still get to play golf for free because of the connections they build.

  5. I have been an avid golfer for numerous yrs. Grew up playing in grammar school, high school & college. I am recently a newly wed and having wanted to spend some time with my wife, I purchased a putting green for my back yard for her to practice on.

    Typically, I am not one to post, however, the quality of service & equipment I recieved from was phenominal.

  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "decent". You certainly wont get rich in the golf business unless you can play your tail off or caddy for someone who can.  If you're a decent golfer and have skills in customer service, retail, accounting, management, etc, you could become a PGA golf professional. I choose this route when I came to terms with the fact I wasnt going to play on tour. I'm not rich but I can feed myself and I'm always around the game I love.  The downside is you dont get to play very much.

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