
I love him but What else can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I will have been married for 2 years on the 9th but I dont think I can take it anymore. Since we have gotten married he has done nothing but play games with my head. He looks at p**n all the time behind my back, and calls s*x hot lines (he even did this while I was in labor with our child). And s*x hot lines cost money, IM HIS WIFE AND IM FREE!! He also keeps talking to one of his ex about how is d*ck is hers and how he misses her. I found this on his email. He also took a girl he works with to lunch while I was at work (but lied about it).He says he has NEVER cheated but how do you believe that??? I mean really? I need advice, should I leave? We have to little girls, but I cant trust him... did i mention he was in the navy?




  1. I try not to advocate divorce to quickly but in some cases that is the best thing and in your case maybe getting rid of him would be the best thing for you. Dealing with his p**n addiction is enough but seeing it in black/white his outright disrespect of you and his marriage vows to say such things to another woman. It would be hers after I did a Lorena Bobbit on his lying, cheating a$$ do what's best for you and your girls leave !

  2. You do need to dump that bum, he doesn't respect u at all, u do not deserve that at all,get out ASAP!

  3. He sounds very selfish & need to wake up to his responsibilities, this is not the way a normal married man would act.

    Don't put up with this treatment any longer, even if it's just talk & it may be more, you deserve better than this.

    If he is in the Navy, there must be a department to help with problems like this, try to find out.

  4. it sounds like your husband does not have any respect for you or for women in general.  

    i hate to say it but get out of the marriage and take your daughters with you. they don't need to grow up in this kind of environment.

  5. Sounds like the marriage is over.You should not have to tolerate him looking at p**n, calling s*x lines and is way over when he tells his ex that his thing is hers. He is married to you and it should be yours. I dont think I could trust him if he said he didnt cheat he does everything else.  

  6. he is probably a s*x addict he needs therapy failing that you need to leave

  7. Yes, leave.  What a jerk!  He has no respect for you or your marriage based on the things that he's telling you.  

  8. yes  leave his ugly asss.

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