
I love hunting but tell me. what do you think about hunting?

by  |  earlier

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just put comments, questions, opinion, storeys, anything to do with hunting




  1. I believe that hunting unless done out of necessity is cruel destructive behavior.

  2. I believe hunting for sport is wrong. But if you are going out to bag Sunday dinner, then I'm up for that. Just my opinion.

  3. hunting is great.  it keeps animal population in healthy numbers and allows people to truely know where their food is coming from.  as long as u r not hunting more than u need or hunting for sport, keep on hunten.

  4. I grew up in Michigan, following my grandfather as he pursued small game, bear, deer and trapped.  He taught me how to shoot a gun, trap and hunt.  I'd have it no other way!  I love the outdoors and don't necessarily enjoy killing an animal, but do enjoy hunting.  I've taken my share of deer over the past 30 plus years and God willing, will continue to hunt for many more years to come.  I also do a lot of photography and just being in the outdoors is fulfillment enough.  When I take an animal, I put food on my table and the table of a needy family.  I don't mind doing that, helping people less fortunate.

    I've taken deer in Saskatchewan, Montana and Michigan.  I've also hunted in Indiana.

    People that don't hunt can't understand how anyone can hunt, and people that hunt can't understand how anyone can't hunt.  Education and calmness are keys to the non hunting public.  Many of us now, if not for our ancestors, would not be here if for the savy men and women that put wild game on the tables a 100 years ago.

  5. hunting? really? that's kinda cool :D

    so you have a gun or traps?

    and what do you hunt?

    with this Q your probably going to have some people who wouldn't like it for well ... because of the killing part or something .... but you might set your-self up with some "comments".

    the only thing i have ever hunted were lizards in my grandma's back yard XD ... none were hurt .. :D  

  6. I love hunting also.  I have many stories but don't wish to bore you.


  7. As a human being the urge to hunt is genetically hard wired into us. I love hunting, the kill is secondary to the hunt itself.

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