
I love meat. How can I give it up?

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I love meat. How can I give it up?




  1. try indian spices n recipes u'll forget that veg food cant make u drool. How many of us wud like a raw hen or pig? Its the spices that make it y not use them in a better way ... I too dont like salads etc but if i cud let u eat my mums veg food, u will take no time to turn to a veg..

    I get nutrition,

    i luv the taste n +

    i dont carry the guilt of killing any animal,

    i dont take away the beauty of nature,

    i dont need to worry about bird flu or infectd beast

    so m vegetarian n happy being that :)

  2. Yes, that cat answer is ridiculous and hysterical.  The argument that a large animal vs. lots of small animals also doesn't make sense (a lb. of animal takes about 30 lbs of feed...which comes from the grain they harvest.  That's 3001 animals according to that answer's logic.)

    Ask yourself, why do you want to give it up?  Do you feel eating animals is unnecessary?  Do you object to factory farming?

    The way I view it is this.  Humans are born omnivores.  It is perfectly natural to eat and like meat.  What I object to is that  it's also natural for animals to live normal animal lives...not crammed into pens standing their own f***s, etc.  That's not natural, it's cruel mistreatment.  I don't have to eat meat to survive, so I don't need to support an industry that does that to living things.  

    However, I have no objection to animals that were hunted in the wild or caught in the ocean or rivers.  If the animals are domesticated and farmed, they should at least have pleasant life, free to walk around and graze, and killed humanely.  

    If you love meat, maybe you aren't supposed to go fully veggie.  That's ok.  There is a whole SPECTRUM of veggie-ness, from the super hardcore vegans who don't wear leather, etc. to people who just decide to cut out red meat, or simply eat LESS meat, or eat only responsibly raised meat.  There are extremes on both sides, and you can put yourself anywhere you want on the spectrum.

    It's good for you just that you are thinking about it!  The act of even putting some thought into where you food comes from is great!  Sometimes, just being thoughtful or grateful is a lot.  Good luck.

  3. If you love it, don't give it up.  Why would you?

  4. There are only two basic ways incrementally or cold tofurky. I chose the incremental route. First try not to eat it every day, then every other day, once a week, only on special occasions, etc.

    Also make sure you are educated on the reasons why. If you are convicted in your beliefs almost nothing can stop you, but yourself of course.

    Make sure you are educated on the how tos then you will not lose heart by having a poor diet. Finally make sure you are connected into a vegetarian community as they can give you information and moral support. : ) This section is a good place to start but face to face is more powerful and enjoyable.

    Best of wishes on your new and compassionate venture. I guarantee it will totally be life changing for you. It was literally one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life that impacted me physically, mentally, and spiritually for the better.

  5. Resist the temptation the next time you are with your boyfriend.  After all it is better to give than receive.

  6. First of all, why are you trying to give up meat?  Ethics?  Health?  Both of these reasons do not stand up when closely examined.

    Only one large animal has to die for a few hundred pounds of meat.  Thousands of small animals die for a few hundred pounds of beans.  What's the difference?  Do bugs not count because they're too small and ugly?  As someone who raises an organic garden, I can tell you that raising veggies ends up with more creatures killed in a single day than most people eat in an entire year, and these tiny creatures die just as horribly as anything you'll see on PeTA TV.  There is no way to avoid this.

    Your own personal disgust is not a reason to quit eating meat, but rather a sign of social conditioning.  Today's children have never learned to hunt for themselves as was done in the past.  We are taught from a young age that raw meat is icky.  Naturally we gross out at it - not because it's 'unnatural,' but because we're untaught.  (Here's an experiment: take a little kid and have someone who is not their mother prepare their favorite dish in a manner different from how their mother prepares it.  Watch them gross out.  Does this mean the way you're preparing their food is 'unnatural?'  No.  It's just a gut reaction to unfamiliar comestibles.)

    You may find people who'll tell you that "meat putrefies in the gut!" and that "we can't even eat our meat raw without dying of food poisoning!"  Both of these are quite false.  Our bodies are perfectly capable of handling meat both cooked and raw - of course, the raw meat must be prepared so that the meat doesn't come in contact with the animal's waste.

    People may cite global warming as a reason to give up meat altogether, but this is a false dilemma - many animals raised for food do not put off methane.

    I will give you a page with links to various resources that will help you make an *informed* decision.

  7. Indeed, how can you?  

    To the first poster, I'm not sure that anyone craves cat meat, and he didn't say he craved the experience of harvesting the food, I think he was talking about the aroma and flavor.

    Back to the meat thing... as with all things, in moderation, and, if you can, look to local, small producers who use sustainable methods (pasture-raised) vs. factory-farm produced meat, which not only has all kinds of additives after slaughter and drugs that the animals took to keep from getting diseased in their squalid, nasty conditions, but the stuff they are allowed to feed to keep them fat, yet save money, is quite frightening.

    Also, the flavor difference is quite remarkable.  More "meat" flavor to it, which also means you can savor the meat, and don't have to eat as much.  My local, pasture-raised meat is much more expensive, per unit, but I find that I don't have a problem eating less of it, as a component to a complete meal.

    Sorry if I side-tracked there.... but not all meat is equal.

  8. ok, do NOT listen to those trolls. i was once like you. it really isnt as hard as it seems. you can buy vegitarian meat. it is delicious. i know that it sounds kinda gross, but its actually REALLY good. try it. also, think about how you wouldnt want you, your family, or your friends killed for meat. while animals look different, they are really alike on the inside. : )

  9. You can't.. so impossible!

  10. Well, if you love meat, don't give it up. Cow f**t helps global warming...think about it this way- Eat things with small brains they won't notice themselves dying. That means chicken and fish. I don't eat either, but I used to. There's no point in giving up something you love.

  11. If you love it, then why give it up?

  12. You're at the top of the food chain.  Don't.

  13. yeah why give it up it's yumm-o

  14. slowly introduce yourself to other flesh and cut out red meat first then go to pultry then to fish in between eat tofu products eat at indian resturants chinese food eat vegen plates of veges two times a week try it out see how it works

  15. Guys maybe he wants to give it up for health reasons, maybe because he doesnt want to harm animals or even religious reasons!

    Here are some websites I found for you that could help you give up meat :)

    I love meat too but I feel like I had to give it up also

    Well, I wish you luck and I support your idea of becoming Vegetarian :)

  16. I have been vegetarian as well as a meat eater. Read a book called: "Eat for your blood type". Certain blood types are more disposed to being vegetarian than others. I have asked hundreds of people I know to confirm, and the book seems to be accurate!. Find out what your body really needs nutritionally BEFORE you become vegetarian. You know what foods make your body "sing" ( what proteins, etc) so once you know that, you can better decide what will be best for your health. Don't let anyone else sway you as to what your body needs to be healthy. Read a lot before you decide. Good luck!

  17. Seriously... don't stop eating meat... its good protein and stuff. If we were all vegetarians animals would take over thats what meat is here for, to eat it.

    Seriously who the h**l would chop up/eat a cat? that answer is ridiculous.

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