
I love music and i would love to play the piano but im 16 is there still hope??

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I love music and i would love to play the piano but im 16 is there still hope??




  1. Absolutely!  I've been teaching piano for 7 years now and half of my students are adults!  I will say this: sometimes, depending on your background, you may have a little trouble learning how to play with two hands (meaning two hands doing different things at the same time).  Don't get frustrated though!  Just work on it and it'll eventually happen for you!

  2. yes because i play the piano and it is a lovely sound and all kinds of bands with pianist are like in there late 20s 30s 40s so you should  defidentaly play the piano

  3. definatly. if you have patience and practice hard anything is possible. good luck. :)

  4. Yes there his hope,i learn how to play guitar i was 40 years old and now i am 52 years old still playing.U can do any thing in music my dear friend as long u want to learn why not every thing is possible sweaty.All my best i send to u.Have fun and in joy.

  5. only if you want there to be!!

  6. ofcourse!

    there is no age limit on when you can/can't learn music.

    for some people, they are naturally gifted, others have to aquire musical talent.

    i was blessed to have natural music ability, but you can always learn!

    first of all, do you own a piano? if you don't, i would maybe go an by maybe a keyboard, same fingerings, just not as good of a quality sound.

    if you please, you could take lessons. they can be pretty expensive, but i've never had lessons. so i wouldn't know.

    practice is the key. how do you get to carnegie hall? PRACTICE.

    goodluck. music to me, is the best thing in this scary world.

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