
I love music but I'm always being told this

by  |  earlier

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If You truly love music you should be playing an instrument of some kind or at list taking lessons. But I don't know why but I don't want to?..I mean not right now...I know I'm 19 almost 20 but...yeah

and when I tell them I like music there always like. no you don't you don't do anything that shows you love music...yet I love it and I'm always listening to it and I feel it all that good what do you guys think...

Am I really into it or am I like a wannabe? I swear i love it...but then again maybe...




  1. If you enjoy listning to music then you dont have to prove to other people that your into it. And that's rubbish you dont have to play an instrument to show that you really like it

  2. Plenty of people love music and don't do anything but listen to it.  You don't have to play a musical instrument to enjoy listening to music.  

  3. if you like to listren to  music

    the who cares what other people think

    u have to just do wat u like because at the end of the day u have to live with yourself and why live a lie

    if u love music

    then seriously who cares what everyone else thinks

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