
I love my best friend, but my other best friend loves me?

by  |  earlier

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i'm in love with my best friend that i talk to everyday all day long. she's the person that i think about all day and hope to wake up her her texts every morning. she doesn't feel the same way but she keeps flirting with me, and it makes me feel like some day she might feel the same way and i keep holding back from other people just waiting for her to feel the same that i do. she knows how i feel about her and she keeps telling me she loves me as a friend. and today, my other best friend asked me out. i do have some feelings for her but it's no as strong as my other friend. i'm debating on going out with her or waiting for my other friend. i'm really confused and i don't know what to do. this sounds cheesy but, my mind's telling me to go out with her and get over my other friend and see how it works out, but my heart's telling me to wait for the person i love. but i'm sick of waiting, i've been waiting for several months. i've been crying too much, and even proof reading this brought me to tears. please help me, if you read this whole thing, you're a saint.




  1. hey you, don't be sad, i know EXACTLY how you feel!

    i'm in love with this guy who just broke up w/ his gf of 3yrs.. i get mixed signals from him, sometimes he calls me twice aday, invites me out w/ everyone, showers me w/ attention.. and then goes 3 weeks and NOTHING..

    ppl who do that are unsure of what they want.. so you can't rely on what they'll do.. but ppl who tell you they don't have feelings for you are a writeoff.. i've lost weight and gotten a lot prettier to win over some guys, in the end realized that once my confidence was in check, i no longer denied the fact that if they're not into you, it's not your fault, so don't stress, and don't take it personally..

    giving your friend a chance might be good.. most times ppl fall madly for those who were initially not even their type.. i missed out on a great guy cause i was busy swooning over this one, who's in my heart, but my mind said it's rare when ppl love you, go with the other one..

    if you make a logical decision, based on mind, not heart, once the feelings fade, you won't be left with regret... give you friend a chance, if it goes good, then great... if it didn't, you a) went out with someone and learned something/gained experience b) put yourself out there to see all your other options, c) you may even show the girl you like that you're not gonna sit and wait for her, that she might lose you if she keeps denying you.. either way, you'll gain something from it..

    good luck!

  2. well your situation is not very easy. i also waited for my best friend thinking she wouldnt never like me back. but of course i kept my options open. you obviously have another person that seems to be very interested in you. why not give her a try? sometimes its better that never know maybe if your best friend sees you with someone else she might realize that she might have feelings for you or may sound a little fucked up cause its like you're using your other friend but really you're just giving the situation a chance. you never know this other friend of yours might turn out to be better than the one you're in love with.

  3. i'd say neither. what you're dealing with with the best friend that you think about all the time and hope to wake up to her texts every morning, is unreciprocated love. and it may just be that she'll only ever love you as a best friend. with this other friend of yours, it seems like you like her but have confused feelings about her because this other best friend of yours doesnt love you back. saying yes to her would only seem like it's for all the wrong reasons. what you need to do is get your mind off girls for the time-being and concentrate on what you have. and who knows? maybe sometime you'll meet someone that would make you feel the same way you feel towards your best friend, only they may feel the same way about you too.  

  4. hey whatever your name is,

    if u love some1 just tell them,

    I'm sure they'll love u even more after you tell them how you feel.

    it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say something like that. just take it easy and keep Ur head up high.

    neva give up in what u want and need in ur life.

    all the best and good luck in the future

    if u need more help u can find me on



  5. well call me a saint. i think that u need to do what your heart tells u is right. no matter how much it hurts if u really think u should wait then i think u should take a shot.

    im just 14 so im not sure if u trust me. but i am just trying all i can do to help.

    much love, grace

  6. I think if you like your other friend you should go out with her for a while, but that doesn't mean you have to get over your other love. Maybe in the end she'll "like-like" you, but as of now, it should be put on hold.

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