
I love my boyfriend alot but...?

by  |  earlier

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i'm just in high school! i have been with him for about a year and a half and there are other guys i want to date. when i get married i will be with one guy forever so shouldn't i be having fun now? the only problem is i love my boyfriend so much. he is so perfect for me in a million ways. what should i do?




  1. To be with that one guy to marry you have to actually stay and be with that one guy forever!

    You really like this Bf of yours don't break his heart just becuz you want to date others. He may be your future husband!

  2. If your happy why mess that up?

    If your talking to other guys, don't cheat, NEVER cheat.

    Break up with him if you don't want to be with him so your not leading him on till you find someone and break his can possibly still be friends if your not leaving him for another guy

  3. Ok, so he's so perfect for you in a million ways.  Why would you take a chance on losing that for someone that might not be good for you at all?  If you break up with your boyfriend now just to date other guys, it'll be too late when you realize your mistake, he might not take you back.  You already know how  you feel.  Just take your time before making your final decision.

  4. That's your choice. Would you rather stay with your boyfriend and have a wonderful expericence with him or would you rather go try and date other guys guys that might be total pricks and be mean to you? I wouldn't give up what you have to go find something you dont need.

  5. Never LEave the One that you LOve for the ones that you like because that ones that you like will leave you for the ones they love.

    Honestly think about this. WHat if you decide to take a break from eachother Date other people but still now that you like eacother and stuff. What if all the other guys do you wrong and he finds a girl that he really likes then you are left with no one.

    Now if you kinda like him but kinda dont. Then Go ahead and look

  6. oh my word i was deff in that same situation.. except we didnt start dating till we were almost seniors... but still i know what you mean and i dont know what to tell you... we just broke up a couple months ago after two years... and though im having lots of fun hanging out with different guys... i miss him tons and tons

  7. You have to decide what's important to you... being with him. or getting to date other guys... make a list of pros and cons for each

  8. you always want what you cant have.

    dont make a dumb mistake, you love him... i think you should keep him. sometimes we make stupid mistakes, breaking up with people like we really know they'll come back. been there, done that.

  9. if hes "perfect" , and if things are working out then why would you want to meet other guys just for the sake of having fun? if you really love him, as you say you do, then stick with him and dont worry about not having fun. if you really love him, apparently you are having fun with him already. dont be selfish.

  10. im in the same baot. i guess the question is do you want to marry him..if not move on...if you dont know maybe moving on will be a good thing and if its ment to be he will be back. but then again, is he worth losing for te other guys or ne one for that matter?

  11. I felt the same way a few months ago, and I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years.. Although I miss him a lot, I can't say I regret breaking up with him. I've had my fun these past few months. Actually, I've never felt so free. I think you are young and you should probably go out experience a few things before you even think about getting married to your boyfriend... You should only break up with him if you truly feel unhappy with him, or if you feel you could be better without him. Obviously, since you are expressing your desires to date other guys, you must have your doubts in him or the relationship. If you are still unable to decide, and if you feel your relationship is mature enough, try talking to him about taking a break. Good luck.  

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