
I love my husband we are good together. we have a beautiful daughter, shes 7weeks tomorrow and hes a great?

by  |  earlier

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father. This is my first child im 30years old. I have had 5partners my whole life my husband being the 5th. i have never had unprotected s*x ever in my life except with my first husband and my husband now. i live11hours away from my family. all i have here is my husband. I found out 2days before i went in labor my husband cheated on me. he had unprotected s*x with a coworker he has been knowing twice. also he had her in our home when i was out of town and he slept by her house. after all this i took him back. i tell myself i did it for my child and because i want a family since my last marriage failed. last week i went for my 6weeks check up and also for my pap smear the results were positive for HPV. when i told this to my husband he told me he had it 3years ago but he heard it goes away after 2years. im so hurts and pisse*d right now and i dont kno what to do. how do you stay with a person whom you cant trust? i need advice?




  1. First of all congratulations.  Your question is a really tough one but if you want to work things out theres no reason why you shouldn't.  You try talking to one another, some counseling.  What with the new baby your hormones going to be all over the place.  Good luck hope things work out for you and your family.

  2. I don't know how you stay with a person you don't trust. The question is do you want to!

  3. I know you want a family but this man has cheated on you and then omitted very important information about a STD.  

    The decision is up to you but in all honesty why would you stay with this man.  Get divorced and move on.  I divorced my husband of 18 years for cheating on me.  We had 2 children.  I met a great guy and have been happily remarried for 22 years.

    I will guarantee you that if you stay with him you will never be able to trust him again and every time he is late getting home from work , you go out of town, or someone calls and hangs up on you , you will be wondering if he is doing it again.  Not to mention the fact he works with her so see's her everyday.  I will be willing to bet they are still sleeping together.  

    Call a lawyer and divorce him.  You and your child deserve better.


  4. Your husband put both you and your daughter (if she was a vaginal birth) at risk for cervical cancer and she now probably has no chance of ever protecting herself against it with the vaccine now available.  Can you live with that realization?  I'm sorry you've had to go through this at what should be a beautiful time in your life.

  5. All of my adult life I have been very narrow minded about the whole cheating thing.  But what do you do when youre in love with someone?  I dont think that without trust there is no relationship at all.  Also, if this is really about your childs best interests, is that the kind of life you want her/him to grow up in?  

    Best of luck to you!

  6. You can't stay with someone you can't trust.

    He dealt you the lowest blow he could have possibly given.

    Not only cheating on you when your pregnant with his child but giving you a STD at the same time.

    That is unforgivable as far as I am concerned.

    Don't do anything using your child as the reason.

    What kind of a father is he going to be if you cannot trust him?

    He had s*x with this woman in YOUR bed!!!!

    That is the ultimate disrespect.

    I know you had dreams of a great marriage and a family portrait, but he has torn that all down and shredded it.

    You will never be able to trust him again, no matter how hard he tries he will always be suspect in your mind.

    Your in a tough spot, but you have to do what's best for you and the baby.

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