
I love my wife. But I am in love with another woman who loves me. It's so complicated. What am I to do?

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My wife tells me she loves me. A lot of her friends are attracted to me. She thrives on this fact though she thinks it is stupid that a lot of women likes me. She says that they should be happy with their own husbands. But when I try to be romantic with her, she brushes me off. She says that she's just not the romantic/touchy-feely type. Then, since we had our first child last year, we have only had s*x sparingly and have not had s*x the entire summer. She claims that she wants to and even has dreams about it. But there is always an excuse when I bring it up or try to do something romantic. When we were dating, we made love all the time. Don't get me wrong, I am not a person who believes s*x is the only predicate for marriage. But it's a part of it. She told me that she's never been that big on s*x even though she insinuated that she it a lot in the beginning to sort of "woo" me.

Now, while a lot of women flirt with me, I do not get caught up in actually having feelings for them. But this one young lady has caught my eye. The first time I saw her, it was like love at first sight for the both of us (the young lady and I have discussed it). Since then, we have grown closer. We have not cheated with each other and would not even consider it though we both acknowledge that we have fallen in love with each other. We have been out to lunch once but our spouses know about it. It has been two years since we felt this "love-at-first-sight" and 18 months since we both acknowledged it to each other. We really want to be with each other but it's complicated by the fact that I am not desiring to just walk out on my wife and daughter. Her husband seems to see her only as a trophy and she would leave him tomorrow if I said that I was leaving my wife. The irony is that her husband and my wife are just alike in their backgrounds, behaviors and beliefs. They both tend to be judgmental and overbearing. They both can be smug and love making negative comments about people. They both love nature and the great outdoors. They ALWAYS agree and see the world the same though they have both tried to mitigate these facts lately since it is obvious they would make a great couple. Likewise, this young lady and I have similar backgrounds, beliefs, and behavior. My wife says she knows that the young lady and I have a connection but she says it almost as a way of mocking the situation. Don't get me wrong. I know my wife loves me. She shows it interesting ways. She will do things that I know I would be hardpressed to find another person do. Some people say she does it not out of love but in order to keep me. That said, my wife and I are different and have different takes on life. And sometimes, I just wonder if she's with me because as she says, "you're a great catch." I just do not know what to do. I LOVE MY DAUGHTER TO DEATH!!!!!!!! I think my wife wanted the child more to keep me though I would not trade my daughter for anything in the world. She says that you have to be in a child's life. I want to be there for my child. Heck, I want my child to be with me. I take care of her everyday. I work from home and keep her at home with me. But I know that I love this woman. I have never been the type of man who leaves a person or cheats on her. I did not turn to this young lady because of my wife and any issues we have. It was just LOVE. But the fact that my situation with my wife is not always at its best only makes not being with this young lady harder since I am trying to do the right thing not really knowing what the right thing is. I just don't know. I do know that it's hard to just walk out on someone and I work hard not to do it. It's not cowardice but loyalty. So, this situation is complicated. I thought the situation would get better when the young lady and her husband moved away from the state. But they still own a house here and get her frequently. That has only made matters worse. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder!!! My wife and I both saw the young lady I am in love with tonight (she was in town) and it's like, you could just see the connection between us. She could not even look at my wife because she was enthralled with me. And I with her. And it's like, we share this love but I do not know if it is right to leave. I take serious my vows. I remember right before I got married not wanting to do it becuase I had seen some things from my wife that concerned me. But she had been walked out on beffore and I did not want to hurt his feelings. Now it's my feelings being hurt. It's so heartbreaking. I guess this is just my fate.




  1. Now, i'm going to tell you in advance that i'm not here to tell you what you have to do, because you're the only one who knows what's good for you.

    You sound like a good man, and you ARE NOT a bad person. You didn't cheat on your wife, you care so much for your daughter and everyone else around you. Hardly anything bad can come out of this.

    I also noticed that you kept saying that you don't want to "walk out" on your daughter. If you don't want to, YOU WONT! because walking out if for the people who don't care. Walking out is when the parent leaves the child and doesn't give any effort to raise them.

    You love your daughter, therefore, no matter what you do, you'll never walk out on her!

    In this case, what basically happened was, you got married, but it wasn't "the one" you cannot blame yourself for that. its not your fault these things do happen and you are dealing with it better than you think! i can think of many cases where the guy cheats on his wife, then what happens? his wife gets a divorce, then she takes the daughter away from him, she asks for full custody, and because of what he did, the court will mostly likely grant her wish.

    Remember, this is your life! You can only life it once. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy. And let me tell you. You can have both the girl and the daughter, its not one or the other, there are always ways. you CAN have both. Try talking to your wife. You need to talk to her, you can't resolve your problem if you don't.  Spend time with your daughter. If your wife tries to fight for full custody, be prepared to fight back.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Really, if you need someone to talk to, just ask me :) i won't tell you what to do though, remember that.

  2. Wow. Uhm... Well I wouldn't walk out for the sake of your daughter. Like I would just talk to your wife about things...

    And perhaps try a marriage counsler?

    After what happened to my parents..I would not walk out... See with my mom (after my dad walked out) all she ever did was bad mouth my dad and she made it to where I would NEVER see him again. I of course changed when I moved away but it still hurt.

    I would try to make it work out with you and your wife

  3. I'm not the best person to tell you what to do, but I will tell you what I think.  you are unhappy and you are not helping anyone by staying. If you love your daughter as much as you say you do, you will do what is best for the both of your.  If you are not happy, she will see that and might become unhappy too. you want to be good example for your daughter.  You love your wife but you are in love with another woman, this is you answer right here.  And as for you wife, we all been walked out on before. thats life NEXT!

  4. my friend, you need help that is not found on earth. you soul is getting lost. you need God in your lives. humor me, go to on prayer and see what we discuss there. they are good friends and that has been a huge turning point in my marriage. my name is jason the capenter and I hope to see you there. surround yourself with good influences and you will be better for it. do it for your daughter. goodnight and Godbless you.  

  5. I dunno, guy. There's so much that needs addressing, I'll just say that love is not a feeling or an emotion, it is a choice.

    Get some counseling.

    Your wife may be masking some post pardum depression, or she may be dismayed by her post baby body. Either can cause a woman to lose interest sexually--or pretend to for self preservation.

    Regarding love at first sight. It's lust.

    The grass is always greener, but if you paid attention to your own lawn instead of your neighbor's, maybe it'd be lush and wonderful too.

    Love your woman. She bore your child.

    I wonder if she'd think you were such a "good catch" were she to know the truth.

    It sounds as if she really trusts you and your love for one another not to be intimidated by this "connection" between you and the young lady. Too bad you're not as secure.

  6. You like that write i see le also no mood. next time write in paragraph.

    Anyway got wife . dont leave her .

  7. You need to go to counseling now with wife, and bring up other women, wife might not mind [in a pigs ***] but you sound like your ready to cheat now. You and wife need to talk now before it is to late.

  8. Wow, a well written question/anecdote on Yahoo Answers! That's a first!

    Not much can be said aside from you need to talk to your wife about your relationship with her, what that means for your future, and if you'll be together, or apart.

  9. maybe she is cheating on you. god forbid. try to make her jelous by talking to her about those other women. if she reacts then she still loves you. if not then, dont waste your time. if you get divorced youre not in the minority.  

  10. My advice- stop talking to this other woman and her husband. If you leave your wife for other reasons then maybe call her up once she's left her husband. Having this weird relationship with this girl is not staying true to your vows, she is not staying true to hers either.

    In terms of your wife- its really up to you, I can't give any advice on what to do about staying or getting a divorce really. Maybe some counseling first would be good before you decide? Go through all your issues with your wife and see if things get better between you once everything is in the open. Also- almost everyones s*x life is hard for a while after they have kids so that might improve in time.

  11. Well you guys can swipe, he can have your wife and you can have his wife. Dude you swear to love to her not break her heart. Get over your high school crush and start working on your marriage.  

  12. you are not in love you are in lust. that should be enough said but im sure you wont accept that answer. i have been divorced for 10 years now and it is my exwifes birthday tomorrow.  i was able to watch my kids tonight for her and drive all over town to get them where they needed to be. so if you dont want to just see your daughter and actually be there when she is growing up then you better find a way to make your wife your girlfriend also.  does that make sense?  if you spent as much time thinking of how great this new g/f is and instead thought of ways to make your wife feel that way then you would certainly see some improvements.  dont just think of what you are going to get, think of what you are going to give and what you will get back will be better then you ever thought it could be.

    the best thing you will get out of staying and working on your relationship with your wife is to be a full time dad for your daughter.  trust me that little girl will need a full time dad when she is growing up. mine is now a teenager and i am glad that i can show her how a real man is suppose to be and not just what most teenage boys are after.  so its time to take a look at what you fell in love with your wife to start and try to get back to that feeling again. another thing that would help is to listen to dr. laura on the radio if you can or go to her web site and read some of the comments from people just like you and how it has messed up their lives.  what would you do if your ex gets custody and then wants to move away from you??  how can you be a dad to your girl if your not around?  think about that the next time you look into that new girls eyes and see if you dont think about your daughter eyes not seeing you.


  13. You have two mature and intelligent choices:

    1. Stop wasting yours AND her time and divorce her so you both can move on and find what you really need from a relationship.

    2. Cut the lady you are "in love" with out of your life completely and utterly and work at making your marriage work. Get some counseling for both of you, tell her how you feel, and convince her to provide you with what you need. Marriage is a two way street. She either has to give AND receive, or you both are wasting your time. If she is not being the wife you need and deserve, your vows are meaningless and broken already. May as well go back to option #1.

    All other options are for the weak, foolish, and pathetic.  

  14. You should try to just give your wife a simple kiss, and not try to jump all over her. After a woman has a baby, her body changes and she just not be too satisfied with herself. Make her feel beautiful.

    Do you think that you are so in love with the other woman because your wife doesn't give you the affection that you need?

    Why did you get married? If you had doubts, or concerns?

    You need to talk things over with your wife, talk and talk and talk and

    talk until you come to some conclusion. Good luck.

    Maybe ...maybe you should give her some time for her to rethink her vows and attitude.


  15. Yawn You lost me after reading all of that lol.

    Yay 2 points

  16. Woah. That's a lot of info.

  17. u may think your in love with this other woman,and that she will be the answer to all your problems,but it never works out that marriage is perfect,what u need is couples counseling where your wife could see what she might be doing wrong.what u are describing is the lust part,the honeymoon phase, which never lasts.its just infatuation where u think u love this woman.

  18. Pace your self

  19. Hi sorry I don't read the questions when they are this long, but from your very first sentence all I can say is you got yourself into this mess, its up to you to get yourself out of it.

  20. I'm not reading all of this. You spent an hour writing this and I'm going to spend one minute saying: No. You made this all up in your head.  

  21. leave your wife, your doing her a huge injustice by being in love with someone else, its cheating without the s*x! you wont leave because you love your daughter??? yeah wont leave because your gutless! Your a coward!

    You say..and I quote "But the fact that my situation with my wife is not always at its best only makes not being with this young lady harder" MARRIAGE IS NEVER EASY!!! MORON!! That doesnt mean you go and fall in love with someone else. It means you work on your relationship!

    I hope ya wife comes to her senses..throws u out, and the so called love of your life stays with her your left all alone..its what you deserve

  22. Didnt bother to even read your question, is waaaaayyyyyyy to long.

  23. If everything you wrote is as factual as you can get, wordy-word, then it sounds like your wife used s*x to land "a great catch", either to impress her friends, or for her own security.  The fact that a child is in the picture does further complicate things, but only in the sense that it adds another facet to the dynamics of the situation.  It seems like your wife is now using your daughter as well as s*x to control you.  If your wife won't play pirate and surrender the booty on a regular basis, that is a type of mental subjugation, and it's cruel.  Bottom line.  When you leave, be prepared to fight to the death for your daughter, because if your wife gets custody, she'll use your daughter as a pawn against you at every turn to make your life a living h**l.  If you get custody, do the right thing, and keep your "love" at arm's length until your daughter is old enough to understand your "moving on" from her mother.  Divorce is hard enough on adults, but it's devastating to a child.  Your only other option is to fantasize about your "love" while you (infrequently) bang your wife, and take a lot of hot, soapy showers, & just deal with it like a man...  

  24. You're really f::::ed up and you do not love this young lady. You have the crazving for her because she is young, hot and she is willing. You need to address the seriousness of your wife not liking s*x and let her know she will lose you and your marriage if she does not satisfy you sexually. You can try to introduce her to the young girl's husband, it seems like that is

    what you want to do and if they are more compatible;; Ican't even comment on this anymore. This is a very SINFUL situation and you need to stop it!

  25. Maybe you should talk to her about it?

  26. dont leave your wife.

    till death do you part *** hole.

    n dont kill her either.

    stay faithfull

  27. I  think you should break it off with your wife if the love isn't there.Why stay in a relationship if you can't express how you feel.Don't cheat though because it will cost you lots and lots of money when she divorces you.Just get it over with and move on, follow your heart.

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