
I love my wife but i don't like her when she is mad on me for nothing, how i can control that weak point?

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my wife sometimes gets mad on me, which i see it's not a justified madness, i don't like her when she acts this way, i keep my self calm and finally when she talks to me i manage always to convince her that she is wrong, and when this point comes i leave her for a while and don't talk to her usually for a short time, but 2 days ago she did that on a higher scale and she made me embarrassed in front of my family and my closest friend and from that time i can't talk to her

the strange about that is that last time madness was completely her nothing with me, i mean she was totally wrong, and this judge is by her not me!!!

now i feel i want to go back to her as she is crying all night beside me and trying to call me on mobile for 100 times a day, but my mind refuses to do so, as i feel i have to be more tough with her in order that she knows that this really upset me, what do u think???




  1. what i did. , when Im so angry,  I just walk away. ignore it..

    I know it feels sucks when the love one treat you with no respect. I have been there. and the best way is to cool off and talk later..

    all the couple argues is all the small things.. its really no big deal..

    Good luck !!

  2. Listen>>>I understand how you feel. I had a friend who I worked with that would go into a complete rage for no reason. I think she just wanted some attention. Because she would get so out of hand with her rage that everyone at work noticed. I think thats why she would do it. BUT this is your wife that you supposely have a relationship with. You can't just not talk to her. I've done that with my husband too( not talked) and it's really a childish way of behaving. It doesn't get anybody anywhere doing this. I try not to do it now because it's stupid. You need to talk to her more about how it makes you feel. It's possible she might have a anger problem that she might have to see a councelor for. I really don't know. Also it could be shes a controp freak and she knows she can intimidate you other other people by acting this way. I don't know what her problem is. But I do understand how you feel. But not talking to her isn't going to teach her anything. Sit and talk with her and tell her from the heart how it really makes you feel. And if it doesn't stop, that your marriage may be on the line in the near future because your not going to put up with this kind of behavior anymore. good luck

  3. Dont answer the phone. let her know that she is wrong to get mad at nothing. The trick is to wait until she comes home. Prepare a lovely dinner, buy some flowers, etc.

    Tell her that you will want to marry her again and again if you had a thousand lives.

    Do you know why women complain and get mad easily? Its because they feel insecure and upset all the time. This is because when they get married, they are with a man who is physically stronger than she is, thus she feels much more controlled. You need to give her more love.

  4. you two have tons of issues, and walking out on them is not an answer.

    it also sounds like she could be a tad depressed or bipolar.  sit with her when she's in a normal state of mind, and ask her if she thinks she needs help?  my sister was like this, and after a year of fighting with her hubby, they found out that she was bipolar, which was so odd, cuz it never reared it's ugly head till the onslaught of deep emotions of marriage affected her so.

    Marriages are hard work.  its not just YOU any more, you are bound to this other person, and her problems are now your problems, and vice versa.   Its your guys job to find the root of the problem, and find a solution to fix it.  

  5. Yes, being tough with her is good. She seems to have deeper problem balancing her anger. It might be her hormones but I am sorry to tell you she will never change, unless you do something drastic. Let her beg and cry and suggest she goes to therapy alone.

    You show to be so mature and in control of your emotions, she is the one that needs the therapy not you.

    Good luck, I know a girl like that and she gets too mad for senseless things this is the reason no one will marry her.  

  6. Hi!

    First of all, calm down, keep your cool, control yourself. Tell her that her behaviour hurts you. If she is making a mistake try to correct her. Only you can correct her as you are her husband. You have to be her friend, philosopher & guide. You have to become her dad, her brother n sometimes her mom too.

    If she loves you then she will never want to hurt you by her behaviour.

    She wants you. She called you on your mobile 100 times, that means she realises her mistake. Give her a chance to correct her mistakes.  

    Explore her problem. Why she is behaving like this.

    Your toughness will not solve the problem. You softness & love will solve the problem & you will be happy ever after.

    I wish you a very happy married life.

    God bless you.


    Take care

  7. U asked about this but u should talk being silent is not going to solve en its more immature just talk its called dialogue

  8. There's always going to be some time when your wife will be mad and crying...just pretend that you care and say, "I'm sorry honey...really I am...I love you."

    Then the next morning bring her flowers and a Starbucks. You're done!

    Get a BJ and off you go!

  9. I think it is pretty immature to leave.  You need to go back and work it out.  Some people, especially women for some reason become very defensive and emotional when they are wrong or feel they have been wronged.  I think you need to talk to her and look with her on ways to better handle conflict.

  10. From her point of view, you are F--ing up in some way.

    Talk to her.

    Think about how you can change to be better.  

  11. heart  to  heart  communication  and  honesty.

  12. Ignoring her isn't the way to solve the issue. If she can't learn to control her temper and get the facts before she flies off the handle, then perhaps counseling is in order to help her discover why she gets upset, and why she blames others when it's not their fault (esp you).

    Don't play games or try to "teach her a lesson" with it like adults, and get professional assistance if the two of you can't work this out yourselves.

    This life is too short to play the "I'm gonna make you pay" game with your loved ones.

  13. I understand how you feel and why you are doing that, I don't know what else you can do, I think I would resort to the same action you have taken. and hope that it sinks in this time. Good luck with that and you know you are not the one in need of counselling as some have suggested.

  14. I think you both need to work on your communication skills, especially her, but you too.  A counselor could help a lot.  Please find one and start going, because this game the two of you play will ultimately only be destructive.

    Edit for BabeHeart: Wow, you and I phrased it a little differently, but we said almost exactly the same thing!

  15. There is generally a reason for someone to be angry, whether it's known or unknown.

    Now i'm not a fly on the wall, but the "wife is always wrong" attitude sounds islamic to me. As does the stonewalling that you are doing to her.

    Your mind may not give a d**n about your wife, but I can tell you right now, If you treat your wife with respect and ask her why she gets mad, she might just tell you. Then you can work through this together.

    If you have the attitude that she is "less than a person" or "beneath you" to the point that says, "I'm the man and what you say doesn't matter", then you've got bigger problems than her anger.

    When was the last time that you held her and told her you thought she was beautiful and that you love her. Or the last time you bought her flowers, sent her a s**y love letter, sent her a greeting card for no reason other than the fact that you care for her.

    Be romantic, attentive, affectionate and you will see her attitude change.  

  16. What are you doing that causes her to get mad AT you, bucko?  You got married so you can no longer be the irresponsible punk you probably were, so she can get mad AT you if you waste money on yourself, w***e around, don't work or won't leave Micky D's for a better job--in other words treat her like she's your mommy.  Try being a man and see what happens.

  17. Help her out by going with her to a counselor or to a specialist.  She obviously has problems controlling her emotions resulting to emotional outbursts and mostly aimed at you.  I had that problem and was so thankful my husband was supportive and helped me overcome. That was not her choice or intention, she just find it so difficult to control her anger / emotions and that's not something you should also be mad about, she just needs help.

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