
I love tennis but when i hit my backhand the ball goes up insted of going straight how to i improve my swing?

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I love tennis but when i hit my backhand the ball goes up insted of going straight how to i improve my swing?




  1. It might be your grip. Also, how's your follow through?  Look up Youzhny's back hand slice on -they analyse it, and his is the best on the block.

  2. Keep your racket straight but put top spin on it.

  3. ummm

    close your racket, ask your coach for the grip and stuff

    if your shots are goin up it means your racket is open, so close it...

    if your shots start goin to the net it means you were late and you kind of pushed it.... if your hitting a shot you should always to swing your racket low to high with top spin, or just basically bend your knees more

    hope this helps

    i kind of forgot what other things my coach told me

    and your coach might say something else different

    all of em are different

  4. the racket face must not face the sky upon impact with the ball. The face must be parallel with the net to keep the ball straight just above the net, like when hitting your forehand. Always remember that the ball goes to the direction where your racket face is facing

  5. your racquet might be angled up, check that

  6. where are you starting from on your swing? if it is from below than you are simply popping the ball. also practice. if you have access to a tennis ball machine they can be very helpful

  7. Check a few key details:

    1.  Are you swinging low-to-high.  This is essential.  I know it makes it sound like you'll be popping the ball up by doing that, but you won't if you are doing 2-5 correctly.

    2.  Are you taking a full follow-through.  I know you've already hit the ball, so why should the follow-through matter? If you take a complete follow-through, then you've hit completely through the ball.

    3.  Where are your strings facing at contact?  The ball is going to go in the direction the strings face.  So you might need to make sure that the strings are either vertical, or slightly angled toward the ground.  If you want topspin, angle the stringbed down a little more severely, and make sure you hit up as well as through the ball.

    4.  Are you keeping your wrists firm?  You should never swing with your wrists in tennis.  You'll just end up injured if you continue that way.  The swing should come mostly from the back/shoulders.

    5.  Are you stepping into your shot?  If you aren't steppin in, or you are hitting off your back foot, it will also cause a tendency to lift the ball.  Make sure you take a good step in during your shot, and get your weight all transferred to your front foot in the process.  

    Once all of these are happening properly, you should notice the ball going more straight, and you'll have a better backhand all around.

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